IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There has been enforced several laws about prohibition of smoking at social places by the authority. Personally, I am in favor of the notion regarding restrictions of smoking and following paragraph will present my argum
I am Lydia Garcia, and I have been living in Thailand for 9 months. Over these months I went to different restaurants in Pattaya and I nhave never had any problems. Nonetheless, I went to your restaurant with my family t
I am writing this letter to complain to you about services that we got yesterday. We booked our table to celebrate our graduation party and we both friends were excited to celebrate this party for memory.
The column chart illustrates how often American people ate in fast-food restaurants over a period of 10 years.
I’m writing to you to apply for your recent opened job opportunity that you have announced in your website, I see that you need an interior designer who have experience with working in designing restaurants. I’m a fresh
I’m writing to you to apply for your recent opened job opportunity that you have announced in your website, I see that you need an interior designer who have experience with working in designing restaurants. I’m a fresh
I hope this letter finds you well, I am writing to you regarding the vacant job you published in the local news paper, I would like to express my interest in applying to this job.
I am writing this letter to express my deep interest in the Chef position in your restaurant. I worked in many restaurants in the past so I believe I am the right candidate for this position.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to convey my sincere appreciation for the exceptional experience I had celebrating my 15th birthday at your establishment on Wednesday, March 27th.
The map illustrates the city centre of Paris, where a company would like to erect two new prospective areas for the new restaurants.
These days, most of the people work out side the home, and they do not have any time for cooking, so they prefer eating meals in resturan. In addition, maney people believed that resturantemust share that recepies and fo
The chart illustrates the frequency of eating at fast food restaurants among people in the USA over a decade from 2003 to 2013.
The pie chart illustrates the average percentage of the family budget to be spent on restaurant meals from 1970 to 2000. The line graph depicts the differences between meals consumed in restaurants. When considered toget
The chart below shows how routinely people in the USA ate in fast food restaurants between 2003 and 2013.
In some countries, fast food restaurants and supermarkets offer Money to the school for the promotion of their product.In my opinion  it is a negative development. This essay discuss negative development in detail along
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