IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The chart below shows how routinely people in the USA ate in fast food restaurants between 2003 and 2013.
In some countries, fast food restaurants and supermarkets offer Money to the school for the promotion of their product.In my opinion  it is a negative development. This essay discuss negative development in detail along
My name is Nurul Hikmah and I am regullar Costumer at your restaurant. I am writing this letter to tell you about what I am facing at your restaurant. this is very bad experience for me and my family. I will tell you In
The several charts illustrate the proportion of consumption expenses including home cooking and family spent in means on particular restaurant meals throughout 40 years. The graph describes the information about consumin
Intro: food is essenital part for a human being to survive. there was a time when people cook food twice in a day in ever home but now time has changed and people willing to ear outside food or fast food.
I am Navdeep Singh. I am writing with reference to the vacancy you are offering for a part-time job in your well-known restaurant. I give below my particulars for your perusal and consideration.
Today the need for fast food is ever increasing year by year as most people tend to be too busy all the time to cook at home .However, it has had an adverse impact on individuals. I,therefore,agree that serving savoury f
I am writing this email regarding the advertisement you have published for hiring a waitress in your restaurant, which suits my conditions and abilities.
The given bar chart illustrates how often Americans visited fast food restaurants between 2003 and 2013.
The chart illustrates how often pople in the United States consumed in fast food resaurants from 2003 to 2013.
The charts illustrate the budgets for food spent by ordinary families on restaurant meals, in percentages, while the graph demonstrates the number of meals consumed in both fast food and sit-down restaurants, both in dif
The bar chart displays the frequency with which people in the USA ate in fast-food outlets between 2003 and 2013.
The given pie charts compared the proportion of finances which spent on either restaurant food or home cooking during 30 years from 1970 to 2000, while the given line graph illustrates the amount of 2 different meals thr
I am writing this letter regarding the waiters and waitresses job vacancy that I found in newspaper advertisement and I would like to apply as waiter in your restaurant.
Nowadays, many people love to dine out, while others still like to cook by themselves. Although the traditional lifestyle never loses its charm, I personally enjoy eating outside more for the convenience and the wider ra
Hope this letter finds you in good health.I would write this letter with great excitement to organise a party in your esteemed restaurant. The party will be held on 15th June at the evening.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of the frequency of people eating junk food in the American restaurants in three years between the years 2003, 2006 and 2013.
Presented for consideration is the given bar chart pertaining to the proportion of Americans having meals in junk food restaurants from 2003 to 2013
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