IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some believe that executives of large companies should receive higher pay packets compared to ordinary workers, while others claim this is an unfair approach. In my opinion, providing those in managerial positions with e
There is no doubt that financial recognition is a need that must be derived primarily from everyone’s occupation. While some people believe that organisations’ directors receive excessively unfair income, others argue th
Some people believe the chairman of the company must earn higher salaries than other workers, however, there is another attitude which it is unfair. I know recieving unbalanced salaries might cause dissatisfaction and sh
In an organization, there are various positions and each position has a defined range of salary depending upon the intensity of the work. While some people find the notion to be justified, others oppose it. This essay wi
These days, employers' organizations are more likely to give those who are in their high position in the company decent wages far higher than regular workers, as it is an optimal method to attract the best management tal
These days, employers' organization are more likely to give those who are in their high position in company decent wages far higher than regular workers, as it is an optimal method to attract the best management talent.
Nowadays it is extremely prevalent for directors to be much more well-paid than regular breadwinners. Some people view this as inevitable, some don't, but personally, I think that organizers should be treated better than
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