IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Art has been an integral part of communities although time has changed so as people's values.Therefore art Lifesaving medical researchs and life comforting technologies like mobile phones and automobiles and financial
For centuries, people all over the world have been considering art as an integral part of the culture. But times change and values change along with them. Lifesaving medical research and life comforting technologies li
For centuries, people all over the world have been considering the art as an integral part of the culture. But times change and values change along with them, therefore art does not attract human's attention any more, i
For ages, art has always played an integral role in forming and nurturing cultures around the world. However, in the modern world, it no longer has the popularity of its former self as people are paying more attention to
There is no doubt that arts have taken the back-seat. Although it is considered as a valuable thing globally, mankind gives much importance to the development of science, technology and business, Main reason for this
The primary reason why the position of art has been taken over by other fields that is rently it is considered as an old form of entertainment. However, due to the modern advancement, many innovative business firms, w
Certainly, the attraction towards arts is reducing day by day, because of terrific profits possibilities from science and technology. There can be many other causes for this transition. Let us ponder some thoughts on thi
Although, for the last century, art has played an important role in cultures around the world, these days, people’s attitude to the art has changed. This is because they are inclined to believe scientific and technologic
Art is considered as a vital share of many cultures around the globe for many years but in current time's people's mindset has been altered and they consider technology, science and business more valuable than arts. This
Art has been regarded as a vital part of the civilization for a long time. However, these days, science, technology and business sectors have taken its place due to change in our utilities. This essay shall explore the r
The new things are booming in day to day life, which will impact people's life and there is a necessity to adapt the new culture to live in the community. However, people should not forget the significance of art.
From the ancient time art has been playing a key role in our life.Nevertheless,in this modren era importance of a person's life have changed and people emphasize science,technology and business.In this will discuss, why
It is obvious that art has been located in the middle of all cultures around the World for many years. However, nowadays many of us have been drawing more attention to scientific, technological and economic field for las
Due to the industrial development around the world, people are likely to pay great attention to science, technology and business instead of considering art-an important roles in society. Personally, there are four main r
Art had always played a significant role in our life, but current scenarios people are more focused on technologies, science, and business. One of the causes of this shift of interest could be a monetary benefit in this
The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They elevate us and inspire us to engage in our creative side, build communities, and foster freedom of expression. The arts have a long history and have been an integral part of
Science and technologies are dramatically grown in recent years. Where as art is the major essential entertainment source for many people who lived in past decades. In this essay we can see reasons and how to bring peopl
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