IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In various nations, individuals are focused on researching the historical events that may have occurred in their buildings or the houses they currently live in. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons for this, as wel
More members of society are beginning to search the historical records of the places where they are settling in. This essay will first suggest that curiosity and preservation planning are two foremost reasons, and then d
There can be little doubt that people are interested in discovering the history of the accommodations in which they live . The writer of this essay believes that the causes of this phenomenon are curiosity about appreci
Searching historical roots of the current residence has become a trend in various nations. This essay will discuss the reason behind this trend and will present some ideas to unearth the past of the living location.
Nobody can deny that we are living in an era in which the majority of people interesting learning about the history of the house then they buy a house. In my point view, there are many reasons for them to care about thes
In certain parts of the world, the trend of the individuals fascinated by the findings of the history or historical news of their properties is growing by day. In the past few decades, people started to have an interest
The home we choose to move in, would carry the sense of belonging which can be made by various factors in a space such as knowing stories about people who lived in or how the building was built and so on. In some regions
As for new home owners wondering how their houses used to look like or used to be, the curiousity about the rich culture of the neighbourhood and also the true worth of them are leading reasons for people's discoveries a
Some people argue that in particular countries lot of individuals are becoming intrigued in looking out about the past story of the place that they live in. I believe that this phenomena is good and can make a few impact
In more and more parts of the world, people are trying to find out the story behind the place they are living in. I believe that they want to know how the building was created and what kinds of materials were used. There
There is no denying the fact that some people are so interesting in knowing the history about any place they live inside, in this essay I am going to discuss their expected reasons for doing this thing, and also talk abo
The majority of people in the world are desire to be aware of the history and relevant information where we live. The essay would discuss the main reasons for this and how can people research this information.
It is apparent that in some countries and viral trends, there is a growing fascination with people becoming obsessed about the backgrounds of their accommodations. There are two main reasons behind this trend. Firstly, i
The first line chart compares the percentages of households which had three electrical appliances and the second one provides information about how many hours consume for doing house chores such as washing clothes, prepa
Nowadays, a large number of people are keen to know about the background of their living places. This essay will provide details about the causes of the situation and the possible ways to do research.
The issue of house discovery has become a matter of discussion in today’s society. It has been increasingly common for people to explore the historical aspect of their dwelling. This essay will elaborate on a few factor
Many people in some countries are developing a big interest in discovering more about the narrative of their house , apartment or the place they used to live in . Discussing why they may do this search and the ways they
In some parts of the world, people are becoming interested in learning about the history of their home. There are various reasons for this, including curiosity, and as with many things in life nowadays, the internet is p
Exploring the history of the current accommodation is supposed to be a major trend in some countries. There are some apparent reasons for this trend and people can definitely find the answers through some possible ways.
Several people are curious about dating back to the origin of the place where they live. This essay will discuss the reason for this case and the approaches they can take.
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