IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Several people are curious about dating back to the origin of the place where they live. This essay will discuss the reason for this case and the approaches they can take.
In some parts of the world, individuals tend to have more information about the history of their accommodations they live in. This occurrence has various results and residents can reach this goal through the internet and
In recent years, people around the world have become learning and interested in the building or houses where people lived in the past. There are various reasons to be interested in past circumstances. In the following
Amazing buildings exist in some historical countries, so their residents are passionate to obtain information about homes or houses. This essay will mention some of their reasons and going to recommend useful ways to res
It has been argued that, nowadays, an increasing number of people have taken up to decipher the history of the building that they reside in. This essay will describe the possible reasons for such a trend in conjunction w
Recently, many people have become interested in discovering the history of the place they are living in due to many reasons that will be discussed.
These days, the past of the accommodation where inhabitants live is becoming an interest for them to learn about. This essay will outline a number of contributing factors and how people can explore this kind of informati
Some people content that, they should be aware of the history and origin of the building in which they are dwellers. The reason is most of the population nowadays have a keen interest in architecture and exploring the pa
In most o countries, the number of people who are interested in exploring the history of the house or building they live in is increasing day by day. In this essay, I will provide why people are doing this kind of thin
Researching about house that people are living in becoming popular, which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. The substa
History is the route of what we are today. The societies of some regions of the world are more curious to look forward to the history of the residence of where they live in. This essay will elaborate on the causes of thi
In several nations, a number of people find that the past of the residence they own is interesting. This essay will provide the main reason for this cause and answer to the information for this statement.
In the present day, people are becoming fascinated by the background of their own accommodations. There are many reasons why the population find the past of their houses attractive, and one of the main reasons is for the
Researching about the buliding background is becoming popular among the people. In some demographics of the world, majority of the people are becoming interested in studying the background of the house they are living in
Many countries have seen an increasing trend toward understanding the background of the house they live in. It is believed that more people valuing the connection between place and human and the importance of architectur
The history of the house or building has been more and more interesting to research by many owners and tenants in some nations. That could be because of cultural beliefs or structural concerns and this can be found out b
Many people are conscious about choosing their living spaces to lead their lives in peace and avoid bad consequences. It is becoming increasingly more in a few countries to research the history of the home they are livin
The trend of homeowners searching for historical information is becoming increasingly popular in many nations. In this , essay I will explain why people are interested in finding out the background of their houses and s
In recent years, the past of the house and building in some areas draws more and more interest from people who live in. This essay is going to find out some possible reasons for increasing interest in searching building
In recent years, the background of the house and building in some areas draws more and more interest from people who live in. This essay is going to find out some possible reasons and methods for searching building histo
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