IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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children nowadays have much less taskes and responsibility than kids in the past era, people splinted into to groups first group they see that is a positive improved thing, and in the other side they see it in a negative
Students nowadays would rather prefer learning through a computer than attending a class at their institute. Because of technological advancement, the importance of instructors has decreased and is predicted to become op
In modern era, responsibilities which used to be associated with children are fading away. there are people who are in favour of this change. however, according to others this trend is believed to be unpleasant. both s
In this modern era, children are not bound with as many responsibilities as compared to the earlier times. Although it is thought of as a positive trend to some people, the negative impacts of taking less charge to the d
In this modern era, children are not bound with as much responsibilities as compared to the earlier times. Although it is thought as a positive trend too some people, the negative impacts of taking less charge to the dev
It is argued whether globalization leads to the lack of children’s responsibilities than in the past. Some people believe that there are all advantages to this trend; however, these contribute to the negative impact on t
People often say that the younger generation does not have many responsibilities as the old era. While many people are worried that this tendency could lead to negative implications, I believe this is a positive trend fo
It is often said that in the past generation families prepared children to adult life earlier than nowadays. Some people believe that work and home tasks play a central role in children's education and the change in this
It is argued that children nowadays have fewer responsibilities than the previous time. However, there are still some people who think, it is a bad thing. But as per my opinion, this trend is a positive and essay will ex
Nowadays, modern society consider that it would effect positively on children not to have too much responsibilities towards their actions. However, I think that unconscious behavior can lead to negative consequences, ess
In recent years, children tend to have fewer commitments compared to their peers several decades ago. Part of the population is of the opinion that it is a beneficial improvement, whereas there are people who disagree wi
In this modern era, children are not bound with as much responsibility as compared to the earlier times. According to some people, it is a positive trend trend in the society. On the other hand, some people think that it
In the today's generation, children have less responsibilities as compared to the kids of the earlier generation. Some people consider that it helps their children to grow, whereas, some of them feel that it may have a n
In contemporary society, children are considered to take fewer responsibilities than they were in the past. While this trend could bring more benefits to children, I would argue that it is more likely to have detrimental
In this modern era, children are not bound with as much responsibilities as compared to the earlier times. According to some people, it is positive trend in the society. On the other hand, some people think that it is no
Due to the contemporary lifestyle changes, the level of headedness has turned far and few when it comes to sharing responsibility among children.Some people believe that shouldering them with responsibilities will contri
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