IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Imagination and language skills are a necessity in the society to efficiently communicate a successful idea. The development of the correct aspect of these skills can be developed by either reading for pleasure and watch
Technologies get better every day, which means that youngsters and adults spend more time watching TV or playing video games. Some people assert that the best way for humankind to develop imagination and language skills
I partly agree with this statement. Because I think that reading books or watching TV develops different skills at different paste.
Nowadays, public debate has been going on over whether reading for pleasure is better for developing imagination and language skills than watching TV. Some believe that reading is more beneficial for those who want to sp
There is a debate going on whether reading for pleasure is more beneficial for developing imagination and language skills than watching TV. Nowadays this topic is really relevant because people are trying to find ways to
In the present age, there has been much discussion revolving around the issue whether reading is more valuable for one’s imagination and communication skills rather than watching television. I tend to believe that readin
Numerous people strongly believe that reading for pleasure is better in developing our imagination and language skills, than watching cable TV. Such a big number of individuals could not be wrong, so this opinion has a l
Some people assert that reading books develops imagination and language skills better, than watching television. Personally, I am in favour of the latter view that TV can also expand speaking skills and creativity in a p
Books and TV sets have always been good sources of knowledge. A large population believes that reading books upgrades the imagination and language skills, far better than watching television. While many oppose the statem
There is no doubt that the reading and learning process has changed since the introduction of Television. The search for information has become more comfortable, amusing, and numerous channels have expedited data availab
Some people believe that reading is more beneficial than watching the television for enhancing imaginative and linguistic skills. I agree with this assertion to a large extent and reasons to strengthen my viewpoint are p
Every person has different preferences; some enjoy reading books, whereas, others relish watching television to get knowledge of the same subject. Choice of medium of information sourcing differs from one human being to
Nowadays, with the substantial development of technology, people tend to find another way to broaden their horizon rather than originally read books, they prefer to watch television instead because it is more convenient
There is no doubt that reading and learning process has changed since the introduction of Television. The search for information has become easier and amusing, and presence of innumerable channels has expedited the data
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