IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, we find alot of young people with promising future in the four walls of a cell. It is said that the most effective way to limit crimes is by developing the intelect of prisoners with an expectation of gaining
Concerning the issue of crime’s bad influence to society, people hold different views. An army of people reckons that prisoner education while they are still in prison is really necessary to prevent crime rates and help
It is said that criminals have a low level of education and educate them is one of the best ways to reduce crime levels. This can help them to find a job when they are free and get back to the social. From my perspective
At the current time, there are several studies find that many of the criminals are non-educated or have a lower level of education. Although, I believe they should be punished in the prison, I agree that trying to reform
How to reduce crime efficiently is still a headache problem of every government across the world until now. There have been countless theories proposed by experts and professors to tackle this ever-increasing issue. One
Researchers have indicated that a number of criminals descend from a low education class. Several people argue that the optimal solution to decrease the crime rate effectively is to offer lawbreakers with a high-quality
Any person on earth is entitled to the provision of education.It is henceforth cardinal to illustrate that learning is the key to the human being development in the sense that it helps people to obtain relevant skills an
In an increasingly chaotic world, preventing offenders always a common concern. In several methods to solve this problem, people tend to think education plays a vital part in rehabilitating criminals. From my point of vi
Nowadays, based on a great number of surveys, the raise of crime rate is approximated to the deficiency of well-educated foundation. Many individuals claim that educating prisoners is the most effective way to prevent cr
Crime is increasing day by day in todays world. Some people suggest that criminals should get an education while they are in prison so that their chances of getting a job are increased when they free from jail and it hel
The number of crimes recorded in the past few years has greatly increased allover the world.If we talk about the developing countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc it is seen that many young people are involved in
Many studies have revealed that most of the offenders are not educated. Therefore, a few individuals think that educating accused, behind the bars, is a great way to lower the crime rate. Because, when they finish their
Recently, crime has been increasing out of control. Some hold the idea that in order to deter crimes, criminals should be given proper education while in prison. Personally, I partly share the same view with this.
It is undeniable fact that education plays a crucial role in reducing crime. Most of the corruption happens due to the low level of literacy and information. While, others are of the opinion that education is a suitable
In the recent decades, a significant increase in the number of crime rates due to the lack of education and unemployment. Therefore, some people think that the most effective way to decline the amount of crime rate is ed
It is undeniable fact that education plays a crucial role for reducing crime. Most of the crime happens due to the low level of education. While, others are of the opinion that education is the only way to mitigate crime
Research has proven that lawbreaker receives a small degree of education. Many hold the opinion that the most suitable way to lower criminal offences is by teaching those in jail the skills they need to acquire employmen
Several researches have shown that criminals do not have high level of education. Thus, it is believe that providing education for those who are in prison is the best option to obtain crime reduction because they can fin
Wen discussing whether education programs in prison has a role in decreasing crime rates, one should bear in mind the complexity of the issue. Some people believe that educating people in prison has no affect on crime ra
Researchers have consistently shown a positive correlation between a person’s level of education and their likelihood of committing a crime. The lower one’s education level, the higher the probability that this person wi
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