IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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With the rapid advancement of technology, more and more people contact with each other using digital technology. Although this advancement undoubtedly brings invaluable convenience in people's lives on daily basis, the i
Digital technology are growing rapidly as this essay writen. The number of people and organisations that using digital technology to get in touch with others also grow. This great statement have their advantages and also
In the past, Connecting with other people ,especially in different countries' organizations or people was a daunting task for them. Nowadays, A majority of people and companies easily connect with other people through el
Nowadays, advanced technology provides human beings with many options for communication and one of them is digital communication. As a result, many individuals and groups are using their devices for interacting with each
Nowadays, it is clear that we are all living in a globalization time in which everyone has access to technology and can communicate with one another more easily than in the past. The majority of businesses and individual
Over the last few years, the usage of digital technology has become inevitable, for a lot of people and organizations it is the perfect tool for communication, this essay will demonstrate the positive side of using it bu
In this contemporary world, the way people are connecting with each other, personally or professionally, has completely changed. Just as every coin has a flip side, digital technology for communication brings both positi
In the era of digitalization, communication among each other has changed drastically. Resulting which, paper or physical form now vanishing slowly. Community of people or organizations, promoting digital resources for d
Interaction with other people is extremely crucial nowadays as a result of enlarging civilization and globalization. There are basically two ways of communication, in-person and online. In my opinion, people use the latt
Both People and Organisations are changed recently connecting through digital technology for various communications. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of using digital technology in terms of commu
An increasing number of people and organizations are using modern gadgets for communication. Such a tendency has its own pros and cons that will be discussed further.
Although people believe that the invention of digital technology has provided multiple benefits, such as contacting people has become a way too easier as compared to the past, it has negatively affected the younger gener
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