Influence of computer games in children's lives is increasing. Children are investing more time in playing the computer games rather than sports. This essay will discuss what are the reasons behind this and provide evid
With increasingly developing technologies modern children tend to spend their leisure time playing computer games rather than doing sports. This is explained by grabbing the attention of children by computers, phones and
The Essay: With the advent of technology, computers has gained a lot of popularity amongst all the age groups and that is why these days children commonly sit in front of computers to play games instead of sports. Accord
Most children are glued to their computer or cell phone these days. This is not a positive development because when children spend the whole day playing games on their adding machine or gaming console, they will develop
Nowadays, an overwhelming number of children are spending more time on playing computer games rather than on sports. This is mainly because computer games are addictive and children are unaware of the incredible health b
Recent advancements in technology have changed the world in an unprecedented manner. Not only adults, children are also affected by this modernization. Children these days prefer to play games online rather than stepping
Nowadays, youngsters have been engrossed in playing computer games and they prefer to stay indoors rather than playing outdoors like sports. Firstly, this essay will discuss the negative impacts of spending longer hours
Nowadays, children prefer to spend their leisure on computer games rather than engage in sports. Many reasons account for this trend, this essay will discuss the main reason why it is so.
Nowadays, most kids enjoy spending time playing video games, leaving a small amount of time to engage in physical activities. One possible reason is that parents have hectic schedules preventing them to engage in activit
Nowadays, most kids enjoy spending time playing video games, leaving a small amount of time to engage in physical activities. One possible reason is that parents have hectic schedules preventing them to spend time with t
These days, a vast number of youngsters are found to spend huge amount of time on virtual games rather than, outdoor activities. This essay will explain the root cause of this situation and furthermore, will express how
It is generally claimed that technological advancement has affected the lives of all age groups. Therefore,it is observed that it has major impact on youngsters and children because they spend majority of time in playing
It is now well accepted that majority of children prefer playing with their computers over doing sports and I think this is a negative development which would effect children and society in many ways.
Since the advent of technology, most industries have become dominated by it which has also affected the home front. In recent times, research has shown that a lot of children would rather spend most of their time playing
Online video games and electronic gadgets have taken an indispensable place in the current Young generation. It is advisable that, children should be inspired to devote a greater amount of time enjoying outdoor games and
It is true that pupils mostly spent their time on computer games while they fouced on physical sports. In this eassay I will disscuss causes and it this development good or not for children.
In a world full of technology, we see a lot of kids continuously in front of their computer screens, playing games. There are various types of games available and a variety of options to choose from. There is a facility
The recreational activities which youngsters are engaged in these days bear little resemblance to those which previous generations loved. Instead of running around in the playground, schoolchildren today are far more lik
In this modern era, there are a number of children have a tendency to prefer spending most of their leisure time on playing computer games rather than outdoor activities. This essay will discuss some possible reasons fo