IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Despite the known importance of preserving the environment, it is still possible to see people having uncare atittude related the nature. One of the reasons of this kind of posture can be the ideia that environment will
There is no denying that the environment is essential for all living species on this planet. As it provides a natural habitat for animals and plants and also benefits human beings in various ways such as medicines,still
The population has been encountering the environmental troubles and the vast majority of people do not recognise the substantial damage to nature, which they commit in regard to it. I strongly advocate both statements an
The Contemporary notion of lifestyle has incurred overwhelming changes. The vast majority of the population deems that these alters have much more positive consequences rather than the negative. Others argue that the mod
The population has been encountering with environmental troubles and the vast majority of people do not recognise the substantial damage to the nature, which they commit in regard to its. I advocate strongly both stateme
Most individuals is aware that how much the environment mean to us. Nonetheless, not everyone is actively playing their parts in reserving the environment. This mainly due to the lack of insight on the global environment
At present, a huge amount of garbage is increased significantly by humans. In my opinion, I think this situation results from the food industries which produce food more than demand and using plastic bags in daily life i
In today's world, most people are aware to protect the environment but it all stumbles when it comes to put things in practise. In this essay, I will detail what needs to be done to have overwhelming participation in sav
In today's world, most of the people are aware to protect the environment but it all stumbles when it comes to put the things in practise. In this essay, I will detail what needs to be done to have a overwhelming partici
It is beyond doubt that the environment is no longer safe as the number of menaces inclined compared to the past. Everyone understand environment play a part and parcel role in our life. In spite of this, most of the per
Nowadays, environment gets affected due to various reason like air pollution, waste released from industries and many other. However, some people knows that it is essential to protect enivironment but they don't initiate
Over the past few decades, there have been significant detrimental effects on the environment. Though it is commonly believed that our surrounding plays a pivotal role, most people are to take liabilty to secure the envi
Ever since we realised our powers to harness nature, we have started utilising it to make our life comfortable and more convenient. However, we then began to over utilise this authority and damage ecology to an extent th
Nowadays, the topic of environmental security is one of the crucial in the world. Unfortunately, it's more often that only developed countries provide the measures for the protection of our nature. I hope that every huma
Earth is our home and it is our responsibility to protect our home. The sooner we realise this, the better and healthier we would be. Some people usually tend to ignore this responsibility due to sheorance, while others
Awareness of surrounding still in the people mind, but a large part of the cluster ignoring this fact to save it. This easy will examine the behavior of people towards environment cause and give worthy solution of these
Nature is a gift which is given by God to human beings and it is a duty of everyone to protect the environment. The pollution free environment plays a vital role in human being's life as well as a house of various birds,
Ever since we realised our powers to harness humour, we have started utilising it to make our life comfortable and more convenient. However, we then began to over utilise this authority and damage humour to an extent tha
Nature is a gift by god to mankind and it is the responsibility of every human being to take care of it.An environment plays a significant role in survival of human beings as well as a home for various birds, animals, in
People do understand how critical environmnet is to us. There has been many campaigns in the recent years focusing on the conservation and importance of environment. Somehow, there are individulas who don't see it as gra
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