IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some argue that when parents are at work, close relations provide the best care to young children, while others believe daycare centres offer a better service. It is agreed that while some relatives take care of youngste
It is considered by some working parents that daycare centres provide optimum care and service for preschoolers, while others think that immediate family members like grandparents are the best people to take care of the
Although it is common for parents these days to place their children that are pre-school age into childcare centres, some people criticise this and argue that children will receive better care from relatives such as gra
It is believed by some that nursery is the best place for children before starting the formal education whereas others think that immediate family members are the perfect persons to take care of their kids. It is agreed
Many parents believe that taking care of children is better left in the hands of child care services than in the trust of their own relatives. This is because with child care centers, children can enhance both brain deve
Some argue that when parents are at work, close relations provide the best care to young children, while others believe daycare centres offer a better option. While many relatives can be trusted to take care of you
Few parents consider day care centres are great entertainers for toddlers whereas, some working parents think that children are better cared under the supervision of their grand parents. In my point of view, childcare ce
Often there is debate as to whether grandparents give good amenity to the infants or parents should send their toddlers to the childcare centres. There is no doubt with grandparent’s child feel safe and can make strong b
A few mothers and fathers believed that, the daycare is a good option for their kids’ education. While other parents feel that grandmothers and grandfathers are given better care for their teenagers. I think the baby car
Some argue that when parents are at work, close relations provide the best care to young children, while others believe daycare centres offer a better option. While many relatives can be trusted to take care of youngs
Some argue that when parents are at work, close relations provide the best care to young children, while others believe daycare centres offer a better option. While many relatives can be trusted to take care of youngste
People have different prospective that Montessori schools are the best place to keep their toddlers while they are working where as some people have different views that grandparents can take better responsibility as a c
Although, People have a different prospective that Montessori schools are the best place to keep their toddlers while they are working and I truly take a stand on it, whereas some people have different views that grandpa
Few parents argue that daycare gives the perfect service for their children, whereas others believe that grandparents are better equipped to take care of kids. This essay agrees that family people are the best option whe
Some would argue that it is more beneficial for children of pre-school age to attend childcare centres, while others say that it will be better if they are taken care of by their relatives. Although family members have k
The bond between an adolescent and his parents is the strongest bond in the world. Some parents believe that their children get good benefits from daycare, while other parents consider that family member like grandparent
In current hectic society, many parents spend the vast majority of their time by working, thus they cannot allot enough time to their offsprings. As a consequence, some people think it is a reliable alternative to trust
People have different views about who provides the best service for children, childcare centres or grandparents. While some people argue that crutches give better concern for their kids, I
Some people contend that day care centres are the best option for working parents to leave their children for take care, while others insist that close relatives provide the best care of pre-schoolers. This essay will
It is argued by some parents that day care centres give the best services for primary school children, whereas other working parents believed that other family members will be taken care of their child such as grandparen
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