It is undeniable that in the modern-day, technology has come so far, its effect has a lot of impact on our life, such as choices of career and accommodation. Therefore, there are some people think that nowadays all of us
According to some people at the current time our modern life provides us with an overwhelming number of options. I completely agree with this statement and this essay will justify valid opinions with examples.
In the past time, people had not more options compare to this time. Then, that person was choicing similar options. However, we have a lot of choices in this age. For instance, we have not to usually cooking for dinner b
The answer is complex since there are a lot of choices in our life and all of them are different kinds. In some cases I would say that it is a good thing to have the ability to choose from a wide variety. Take for exam
These days, it is often believed that people are presented with greater number of options in life. I completely agree with this thought as advancements in technology and globalisation have allowed people to choose from a
Some people argue that nowadays an individual has too many choices in his life whereas on the contrary, others do not agree with this thought. In my opinion, the former thought is appropriate in today’s life as e-commerc
It is true that our society has undergone a lot of transformations in many sectors, which may lead to too many options. I strongly agree with this statement since this consequence causes hesitation when people want to ma
Advancement in technology and popularity of social media helps facilitate and reduce costs in many aspects of life as well as the business and educational activity. The significant decline in cost helps close the wide ga
It is certainly true that people nowadays have the abundance of selection. This happened when people are above influenced by modern life. I concur with having a lot of choice is really hard for people, but I incline that
It is common nowadays to hear people decrying the number of choices people have relative to the past and proclaiming the drawbacks of so many easily-available options in a variety of areas of life. While I think that t
There are differing views about current time that people have too ample ocean of opportunities. However, I completely disagree with this notion because human beings options are restricted.
It is often argued that these days we are having a huge variety of options. In my point of view, I totally agree with this and believe that we do have a lot of possibilities.
It is often said that today’s world has exposed us to overwhelming diversity of choices. This essay will completely agree with this because I strongly believe that the era of Internet and globalization has made the popul
It is considered that in this day and age, as people, we have so many options available for everything. One of them is a career. In my opinion, I partly agree that we have a long list to make our selection from about car
It is argued that humanity is able to gain alternatives in recent years by comparing the past. Thanks to the tremendous popularity of automation, the development of the education and the output of work have been increase
Some persons believe that today we have too many options. I almost totally agree with this statement. In my opinion, we are living in a world with a great development in science and in society; that`s why we have many ch
It is true that modern life presents us various choices nowadays. I completely agree with this point of view, and I believe that with the development of technology, it offers members across the world making decisions eve
It has recently been suggested by some people that we are now living in a society which too many choices are given. Personally, I partly agree with this idea. I believe that although sometimes people may have more option