IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is universally acknowledged that exercise significantly affects health, hence it should be considered in all ages. Some advocate for compulsory putting the physical education (PE) in school curriculum which is critici
Physical education (PE) in schools is a topic of significant debate. Some advocate for making PE compulsory, believing it to be essential for the general well-being of schoolchildren. Others argue that mandatory physical
Nowadays many people consider that physical education will be necessary for schoolchildren because of the benefits to self-esteem and also this can have a significant positive impact on children. In my opinion, each less
A healthy body is vital for every child because it lays the very foundation for all possible growth opportunities in the future. Therefore improvement of their physique is required, conducting it in every way feasible.
Physical health is one of the most widespread topics these days due to increased obesity and health problem. Some people believe that to overcome such issues it is necessary that physical education should be made a compu
Nowadays, it is widely argued that having physical education classes forcibly in all schools is the best option for the general well-being of schoolchildren. On the other hand, some people say that this has slight impact
Nowadays, children's general well-being has become a big issue. Due to improve children body health some people think that adding PE class in all schools is the beat ways while others think that there are other measures
While some people do think that gym classes are necessary for children to improve their happiness, others see them as not so necessary. This essay will discuss the both aspects of that.
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