IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that traffic congestion nowadays is a serious problem for most countries in the world, especially developing countries. While many people think that extending more and wider roads is the best solution to resol
With the growing population and fast moving world, transportation and traffic are a routine issue to be faced. Everyone will have different views on it, few think better railways can be a good solution while few insists
In recent decades, traffic congestion has been increasing in many countries, causing some public controversy. Although some people argue that the best way to deal with this problems is building and widening roads, I stil
Opinions are divided on whether by spending money on building train and subway lines, government can lower traffic congestion or whether traffic jam will be decreased by focusing on building more and wider roads. While I
There are opposing views about whether financing on building train and subway lines, traffic jams can be solved or whether the government should build more and wider roads to reduce traffic congestion. While I understan
Traffic has become a serious issue in metro cities due to a large number of vehicles on road, migrants migrating, for better opportunities such as job and education. Also, due poor conditions of road having potholes and
Some would argue that constructing lines of trains and subways could cut down the traffic, while others believe that this can be curbed with wider and more roads. building the former alternatives would bring down the tra
There are some arguments about how to reduce traffic jam. Some people propose that new and wider roads should be built, others believe that developing systems of public transportation such as train or subway lines is a m
These days, traffic congestion has increased and become a critical problem for the nation as well as individuals. However, there are split opinions regarding how to mitigate this issue. Some people believe that authoriti
The methods of mitigating traffic congestion have been a heated topic of controversy.Some people argue that the construction of larger roads is the answer for the problem.However, I contend that such a solution is ineff
Traffic is an increasing problem these days people may stay hours on the road just to get to thier homes,while some poeple think that the government should act with buliding wider raods others; think its better to invest
Traffic jams in many nations around the world is severe. It is commonly believed that the best way to minimize a traffic problems is by constructing more train and metro lines, while there are others who think that traff
It is important to find out how the increasing congestion on roads can be reduced. While some people believe that to mitigate this issue the authorities should invest in the construction of more and multiple lane roads,
It is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a good questionIt is a go
It has been argued by many that traffic problems can be overcome by developing alternate means of travelling like trains and subways, whereas some are of the opinion that it can be solved by laying more roads and widenin
It is an irrefutable fact that traffic congestion has become a serious problem in many countries. Although many people believe that constructing more and wider roads is the best solution to mitigate this problem, I would
Traffic jam is the serious problem in many countries. Some dwellers believe that it is a good way to decrease traffic congestion by spending money on building trains and subway lines by government,while others claim that
Different people have got different mindset and opinions, some people would consider building trains and subways would be helping to reduce traffic congestion while some people look at building wider roads. Regardless; b
There are opinions differ on whether government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion or building more and widen roads is the better way. Personally, I am in agreement with th
An increasing number of vehicles lead to traffic congestion, which is faced by the most of the people. People have different solutions to alleviate this issue. Some think that the best way is to build and improve railway
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