IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people are of the opinion that the primary role of schools is to create good citizens, instead of merely working towards individual betterment. During the course of this essay, this statement would be subjected to o
It is important for every child to be developed as a good example for everyone. Although some think the whole purpose of going to school is to develop individual skills, most feel the core goals are to turn them into goo
Schools are more and more essential nowaday with people around the world, especially with children. Some people belive that the main task of education systems is to transform children into well-educated citizens and emp
Studying in school plays an important role in our life.We will spend around 12 years finishing studying.Some people argue that the target of leading in school is to change the children into perfect citizens not benefit t
A multitude of parents is grimly advocating that children are more likely to be educated by schools as qualified employees and law-abiding citizens to contribute themselves to their countries as opposed to thinking inde
The role of schools and the education system always remains the question of discussion, all over the globe.Some people's belief is that schools convert students into good citizens and workers for industries.But, do not
It is often argued than educational institutions main role is to develop good member of society and hardworkers, rather than focusing on the development of a students' individual qualities. The paragraphs below will outl
I definitely agree with the statement that the primary aim of schools is to turn the pupils into good citizens and workers rather than benefit them as individuals. I feel that schools have to fulfil both things but t
People have contrasting views about what would be the ultimate goal of an educational institution. While some people opine that school should prepare their pupils as a productive member of society, I think they also shou
People have contrasting views about what would be the major goal of an educational institution. While some people opine that school should prepare their pupil as a productive member of society, I believe, they also shoul
The world comprises of 7117 languages and peculiar cultures that define them.The world has only accepted and made English as the official dialect.So learning a new dialect,can enhance or boost ones communicative skills.A
Although, abound individuals believe that institute are responsible for teaching children to be better citizens and workers rather than developing themselves. this essay will highlight that this certainly is a rational a
The Basic aim of schools is to make children into good citizens and workers in few public point of view, relatively, advantageous for them as individuals.This essay disagrees, that institutions only provide benefits to s
Schools are known as the the first place of learning for the child. Every person has it's own way of thinking to some extent regarding the schools. Few people thinks that the main purpose of school is to turn children in
People have different views about/ as to the primary goal of schools. While I agree that schools can transform children into useful members of society, I believe that they also bring benefits to students themselves.
It is undeniable that school plays a vital role in children's life to improve themselves. Although, a group of inhabitants perceives that the major idea behind schooling is to them as better citizens and labors. I agree
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