IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Today's children are tomorrow's future . Education plays a significant role in the progress of the human race . It's very crucial to educate the children as they are the backbone of the nation. It's very sad to see that
It is widely known that the main duty of students is studying and concentrating on education instead of focusing on dressing up for school. For that reason, some believe that every student should wear school uniforms, an
An immensely controversial phenomenon in the contemporary epoch today relates to whether tutees should pay utmost attention to their education or present their elite status. There is no denying the fact that learning edu
It is inevitable that pupils attending schools and other institutes should primarily focus on studies and teaching, particularly within the premises. Hence, they should all wear uniforms rather than fashionable clothes a
Nowadays, we all live in a competative woorld.Everyone would like to demonstrate what they have and wearning trend clothes.As long as schools created for learning purposes but many students beside this aim, try to take t
Wearing school uniforms are compulsory in a large number of countries around the world because it prevents discrimination between students enhances the feeling of unity and helps to eliminate distractions in the classroo
A school is an institution dedicated to learning, research and is also a place where discipline needs to be followed. There have been many calls to remove school uniforms in the tudy environment and allow students to pu
There is a tendency between students , some of them prefer to wear clothes Depending on their opinions, While others wear the same clothes the while year. In my view point ,I completely with students who worn fashionabl
Some people think that pupils should emphasis on learning in the institute rather than displaying their financial status by catching up with fashion trends in the world. In my opinion, I completely agree that it would be
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