The provided bar graph demonstrates information about three various industries as a percentage share to gross domestic products in India between 1960 to 2000.
The barchart illustrates the number of individuals who studies on part-time and full-time higher education in China. While the average of women is showed by gray color, the average men's showing color is black.
The provided bar graph depicts the percentage of residents in five Australian cities who engaged in various coffee and tea consumption habits over the past four weeks. The habits surveyed include purchasing fresh coffee,
The chart shows the amount of physical exercise in men and women in Australia that has been done regularly from ages around 15 years old to over 65 years old in 2010, which are categorized into 6 age groups. Overall, the
The chart shows the proportion of physical exercise in men and women in Australia that has been done regularly from ages around 15 years old to over 65 years old in 2010, which are divided into 6 age groups. Overall, the
Overall,it is clear that, Us trends in the 2010 stood at the highest billion performing of aid while Germany , the UK and Japan had similar figures with up and down. However, both countries, Netherlands and Sweden witne
The chart below depicts the amount of films produced in between the period 2007 and 2009 by 5 countries. The years are color coded green, blue, and yellow respectively.
The given bar graph illustrates the amount of males and females studying either full-time or part-time in China from 1970 to 1991. Units are measured in thousands.
The line graph provided demonstrates different activites old people do reading, hiking, theatre, watching TV and surfing the internet in their leisure time in the period of 30 years.
The bar chart illustrates the difference between males and females in further education in China whether they were studying full-time education or part-time education.
A glance at the graph provided reveals some clear differences in overseas tourist numbers to the coast, the mountains and the lakes in a given European nation during the period between 1987 and 2007.
The line graph illustates the number of foreign visitors who came to the UK for business, holiday, and meeting friends and relatives over the 10 years period by 1989. The figures are given in millions. Overall it can be