The fluctuation of three metal types prices divided in monthly manner can be seen in this graph dated 2014. The data on the X-axis depict the month when they were examined, while the numbers on the Y-axis state how many
The line graph illustrates information about the percentage of changing price in a typical month of copper, nickel, and zinc during 2014 period. Overall, the percentage of nickel price extremly rose and fell down during
The line chart provides key information about the price changing of copper, nickel and zinc in each month throughout they year of 2014. The units are measured in percentages.
The graph illustrates the rate of value differences each month within 2014. The study involved three distinct materials, which were cupper, tickle and zink
The line graph illustrates the average monthly change in prices of copper, nickel and zinc in 2014. Overall, all of the three metals shows a fluctuated trend throughout the years, with copper show an increase, whilst nic
The presented line chart illustrates how the prices of copper, nickel and zinc changed on a month-to-month basis throughout 2014. Overall it can be observed that the market of precious metals was stagnant in 2014, with a