IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The presented map indicates some data about future development in the town of Norbiton in its industrial site. Overall, it can be seen that some facilities like Playgrounds and schools will be added to this region. In ad
The two maps provide information about a future plan for a site in the town of Norbiton which is currently designated as an industrial area.
The two maps illustrate Norbition's industrial area and master plan for future development. The idea is to transform the manufacturing area into be residential area.
The 2 maps present the transformation of the industrial area in the town of Norbiton and projected its reconstruction of the site. As we can see obviously, all the factories are about to phase out and will be replaced wi
The given maps illustract an industrial area in the toen of norbition, and planned future development of the site. Detailed information is in the following.
The maps illustrate the blueprint of an indutrial in town of Norbiton .There are two picures displays as above one is current blueprint of Norbito industrial and other is future planned development blueprint.
The images depict the same a technical area in town Norbiton as it is now and some changes to take place in the future. This town are located between river in the north and the main road in the south side.
The following maps illustrate the current industrial district in Norbiton city and the residential district which will be developed in the future, replacing the latter. Overall, this part of the side of Norbiton City wil
The information given abouth the current and future developmental site of Norbition town are depicicted in the rendarded pictorgram. Overall, it can be seen that, noticable changes will be take place in the future plan.
The figures illustrate a blueprint of an area called Norbiton before and after the construction of the site. Firstly, it can be seen that the development will impact several sites, such as farmland and factories. This ad
The figures illustrate a blueprint of an area called Norbiton before and after the construction of the site. Firstly, It can be seen that the development will impact several sites, such as farmland and factories, and wil
The map illustrates the current scenario of an industrial area of Norbiton town, and its future development.
The maps give information about an industrial zone modification that will be carried out in Norbition. Taken as a whole, this area will be expanded to accommodate the residential situation instead of the previous usage.
The two maps provide information on the existing site of the current Norbiton Industrial area and the plan for future development. Overall, there will be a massive renovation, where more streets will be added, and new ho
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