IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to inform you that I am not able to continue part time evening course of IAS (International Accounting Standards) right now.There are several reasons behind this discontinution but the main reaso
I am writing this letter with mixed emotions as I cannot continue my current course due to a financial crisis at home despite a full-time job with a minimum wage. In addition, I have to look after my family's monthly exp
I am writing to inform you that due to my new position as a visual merchandiser in an enormous shop in Tehran that is full-time, I can not take a part in your great french class.
I am writing this letter to inform you that I am afraid that I will be unable to continue the course which I am pursuing at your institution. As I am working as a full-time employee, an unimaginable situation has arisen
I am writing this letter to inform you about my discontinuation of the evening course despite my good academic scores and progress in the course as I need to do a job to look after my family's responsibility due to the f
I am writing this letter to inform you that due to certain circumstances at my work, there might be a chance that I won't be able to attend the lecture we do every night, possibly for a week.
I am Supun from your evening class. I am writing this to inform, you that I am unable to continue the rest of the course due to a sudden change in my personal life.
I am John Andreay, a student of Executive management course. I am writing to inform you that I am planning to leave management course shortly due to personal issues.
I would like to inform you that I am suffering from depression for the last couple of months. Due to this reason, I am not able to concentrate on my studies for the course which I had opted for as apart time.
I am writing this letter to inform you regarding a job releative . I am Joban. I am working a job in you company part-time and after work my job i am attending a course in the afternoon time.
With due respect, through this letter, I would like to thank you that you observed my qualities and offered me to join your company NewEra Constructions as a supervisor; however, as I am still studying in the English spe
I am Shruti Pathak. I am your IELTS class batch no 6 students. I am writing this letter to inform you that I am not able to continue the part-time time class due to my work.
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