IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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This letter is in response to information provided in the article from the national newspaper. The article claims that the first time calculation monument was invented in England but the information is not correct. The f
I came across an article in today's newspaper edition and I am writing to address an issue on a particular topic. It is acceptable that there is indeed an increasing number of town centres most especially Aba and Onitsha
I am writing this to express my disagreement with your views in the article about the town centers in my country, which was published in Sunday Times on 25th April, 2022.
I am writing this letter to provide the opinions regarding your article related to the town centre of London which was published in The Times on 2 May.
I am writing this letter to provide the opinions regarding your article related to the town centre of London which was published in The Times on 2nd May.
Hope this letter finds you well. My name is Anna. I have been living in Turkey since I was born. I am writing this letter to you express my opinions about your article in the Daily News. I finished your article yesterday
I’m writing this letter to you express my opinions about your article in a national newspaper. I have to say that, I do not agree your opinions completely.
I would like to inform you that my views are different at some point on the article of town centres are looked similar in the whole country. I have a valid reason for proving my statement right.
I am writing this letter with regards to the article you published in the national newspaper about town centres in your country looking very similar. Although I agree that with globalization and population increase most
I am writing to draw your attention to the article on town centres published on the 05 January 2021 in the national newspaper. I am a resident of Colombo and am pleased to say that some important information was accurat
I am writing in response to your article where you unfairly criticized that all town centres look similar in our country. I am not agreeing with your viewpoint and I will explain how it looks different in my place.
I am writing this letter in connection with your article about my city centre. I have been living in Tehran for more or less 15 years and I would like to present my opinion about your claims in the newspaper.
My name is Sara and I am one of your readers who love your newspaper a lot. Actually, last week I read one of your articles that is published last week on December 4th, about all the city centres in my country which was
I am writing this letter with reference to your article in The Hindu newspaper regarding the similarities among the town centres all across the countries. I would like to put forward a few points with respect to my disag
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