IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope you are good. I was a gust in your hotel. last week, I booked a room for a meeting after meeting a client, when I reached home, I released that my important documents left in your hotel room which is 410 on the fo
I am writing this letter in regards to forgotten papers at the hotel during my stay. As you might know, I am Dhruv Goyani, who stayed in your hotel for 2 days.
This letter concerns missing highly important annals during the meeting held in your hotel last Thursday with my company. actually, when I reached my house I noticed these documents have been lost in that event.
I am a banker of the Vietcombank which held a meeting at your hotel last Saturday. When the meeting finished, I went home and realized that I had left some document. I believe that I had put the papers at the first table
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to inform you that I had left 2 pieces of paper in the conference room and these papers are so important to me.
I am writing to let you know that I have forgotten to take some of my important documents along with me while leaving the hotel, after the meeting which was held yesterday the 9th of October.
I am writing this letter to inform you about the documents that I left in your hotel. I stayed in your hotel from 20th Nov to 21st Nov for a meeting conducted by my company "Franc infotech".
I am writing this letter to inform you about the documents that I left in your hotel. I stayed in your hotel from 20th Nov to 21st Nov for a meeting conducted by my company "Franc info tech".
I am writing you to inform that my official network diagram was lost while I was participating in a conference at your motel on the 16th of this month.
I am writing you to inform that my official network diagram was lost while I was participating on a conference at your motel on the 16th of this month.
I am writing this letter in relation to my visit in your esteemed hotel last thursday on 15th september 2021. I was very happy throughout my stay there and was completely relaxed until I reached home and soon realized th
I am writing with a reference to a conference I had this evening at your hotel. I just returned home and detect that I forgot the folder with important documents. I think I could carelessly leave them on the table near
I am writing this letter to inform you that I have left an important document in your hotel, during my visit to your hotel last week to attend a business conference and stayed for a couple of days.
I had the business meeting at your hotel yesterday at 7 p.m. on occasion I forgot my copybook at the restaurant. Unfortunately, I recognised it only at home. I would like to ask you about attending to me.
I have recently attended a business conference at your hotel. Unfortunately, when I arrived to my city I have found that I left some papers in the room number102 I stayed in, from 15th to 18th July.
I am writing this to request your assistance to locate and send the documents that I had misplaced at your hotel during the conference which happened last week.
I am writing regarding the meeting at the hotel was held yesterday morning. I was one of the attendances and had a busy day with a brain storming session. Unfortunately, the notes I was taken with all related documents w
I am Peter David, working as a Senior Sales Manager in AT Infotech and originally from London. Last week, I came to India for attending the Company Annual Meet held in your 'Hotel ITC Grand Solo'. Unfortunately, I have m
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