IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in connection with the training course which was held the White Hall. I am Mahshid Kargar and you asked me for my feedback on the training course. This course was about the adverse effects of over-the-count
I am writing to share about the course I attended last week. Additionally, I would like to provide my personal perspectives about the courses and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the learning lessons.
How are you? I am writing this letter to give some feedback about effects of buffer training course and improvement in future. Firstly, I have learned robot machanism with detail controlling besides alarm code researchin
I am writing this letter to inform you that I have undergone a project related training for one week, and I felt the training will satisfy a purpose in my job.
I am writing this letter to share my opinion about the recent educational workshop I had been to and how it proved to be a stepping stone in my career as a general dentist.
I am writing this letter to share feedback with you regarding the training course on SaFe Scrum Master (SSM) which I attended starting from 8th April to 12th April 2024. The course was about the roles and responsibilites
I am writing this letter in regard to course which I enrolled in for training purposes. The course is of 1 month duration and about machine learning. It was very useful for me to complete the course. The course has been
I hope this email finds you in good health and you are doing well. I am writing this letter to share feedback about the training course that I recently attended at the Townhall.
I am writing to you because, I need to give some feedback that wine tasting course. As we talked, wine tasting course is very important our wine company because in this course, it learned a lot of things about wine varie
I am writing to express how I am glad by completed a training course on Bioinformatic .which, was cooperation between our organisation and African city of technology.
I am writing to submit my feedback about the training course I attended last week. The content of this course is related to how to plan strategies on a daily job basis.
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