IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, more and more people suggest university students take their lessons according to their preferences. Meanwhile, several individuals advise them to focus only on subjects that matter in life, such as courses abou
Nowadays, There’s no doubt that we are witnessing a huge arguments about the educational system and what are the real factors that lead to a promising future carrer. The quesition is, is the acadamic path is the only roa
People say that knowledge is power; however, nowadays more high school graduates have chosen to be employed instead of continuing with their education. Although there are valuable resources we can get from work-based tra
It has become popular for the young to not pursue tertiary education, but to start work-based training instead. Although this may have some advantages, in my opinion, not getting a university degree has more significant
Myriad of people tend to think that the road to a prosperous job is fulfilling their studies at university first, while others believe that earning a job right after school is the way to go. This essay will discuss both
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