IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I would like to inform you that, the sport and leisure centre which are located in the Kandy town provides a considerable huge social service to the public. Most enjoy the benefit of said centre. In the evening, most of
I am writing this letter to you regarding your consideration about closing the sports and leasure centre that is located in our neighbourhood in Kepez district in Antalya.
My name is Clarissa Smith and I live on Sesame Street in the city of Longisland. However, for the last 5 years, my home was in the area of this local council. This was a great place to live for me and my family. I have t
My name is Clarissa Smith and I live on Sesame street in the city of Longisland. However, for the last 5 years my home was in the area of this local council. This was a great place to live for me and my family. I have to
I am Praveena and located at 15 Rajan street, and I have resided in the place past 10 years under your local body council. I am writing this letter to let you know that share my opinion about closing a sport and leisure
I am writing to you today because I have heard that the city administration is going to close the local club. As a result, I am informing you today about how its existence is quintessential for us.
I am Karthi and located on 8th Street, Rajendra Nagar. I have resided here for over 8 years and which is covered under your local council body. I am writing this letter to let you know that share my opinion about closing
I am Vani, living in apartment B at Newton. I am writing this letter to express my disappointment regarding the decision of shutting down only sports and leisure centre we have in Newton.
I am writing this letter to express my deep concern regarding closing down the' Happy Life' sport and leisure centre in Rock side village due to a monetary issue.
I am writing this letter to oppose closing a sports and leisure centre. I believe that there sis plenty of benefit for people around here. To start with, my family and I often go to the centre like five times a week. Reg
I am writing this letter to oppose closing a sports and leisure centre. I believe that there sis plenty of benefit for people around here. To start with, my family and I often go to the centre like five times a week. Reg
I am writing this letter to oppose closing a sports and leisure centre. I believe that there is plenty of benefit for people around here. To start with, my family and I often go to the centre like five times a week. Rega
I am writing to express my concern about the decision taken to shut the sports and leisure center at Parks Avenue. The majority of the residential population is currently using the center quite extensively; the most comm
I am writing to you concerning the consideration to close the sporting centre in order to save money. I do find it quite sad, that a place like this will be shut down without any plan for another, the thing is we have qu
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction over the possibility of closing the sport and leisure centre, as my family and I have been some currently users of this space for over the past ten years.
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