The world health organization recommends that people should eat five or more portions of fruits and vegetables per day. The chart below shows the percentage of males and females in the UK by age group in 2006

The world health organization recommends that people should eat five or more portions of fruits and vegetables per day. The chart below shows the percentage of males and females in the UK by age group in 2006
The bar graph gives information on the consumption of fruits and vegetables per day by gender segregation in the UK by different age groups in 2006. The units are measured in per cent. Generally speaking, it is evident that
tip the scale in terms of consumption of healthy nourishment, despite seniors, whose percentage plateaued. First and foremost, it is noticeable that for those individuals in the 19-24 age group, 15% of men consumed fruits and vegetables, wealthy with vitamins and minerals more than five times per day, whilst women comprised approximately 16%.
, middle-aged individuals from 35 to 44 illustrate the prevalence of
at 25%,
males faced a downward tendency at nearly 22%. With regards to the nourishment of the citizens of the UK, aged from 55 to 64, it can be clearly seen that roughly 32% of males devoured fruits and vegetables a multiple time per day,
skyrocketed and touched the apex with 35%. Notwithstanding of prevalence of
during versatile and multifaceted age groups, it is readily apparent that seniors aged 75 and older who consumed fresh contaminants of the food chain remained steady at 25% in both gender representatives.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words females with synonyms.
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