IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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With the advancement of technology, scientists and tourists can embark on a journey to remote destinations like the Antarctic. While this progress in travel has provided many opportunities for us, some drawbacks need to be considered. In my opinion, the pros of travelling to isolated environments outweigh the cons.
Money is arguably the most important commodity of life. Some people desire to spend their earnings and live lavishly, whereas others believe in the importance of saving for the future. My beliefs align with the latter. In this day and age, more individuals are spending too much. This essay will discuss the outcomes of such a habit.
Some believe that offenders engage in criminal activities after being released from prison. In my opinion, this tendency happens for several reasons and some precautionary measures should be implemented to prevent those from committing additional crimes.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the importance of taking risks in various aspects of life. Some argue that embracing uncertainty is necessary, citing reasons such as personal growth and career advancement, while others assert that stability and security are more essential. From my perspective, maintaining a balance between risk-taking and caution is crucial for optimal societal development.
It has been argued that one of the best outcomes for traffic congestion and air pollution problems is increasing the price of fuel. In my opinion, I completely disagree with this idea and will explain it further.
It is common recently for some people to prefer to work independently, rather than to be employed by any institution. There are some advantages that they get, while they might face challenges. In this essay, I will explain the comparison of the benefits and the drawbacks.
The debate over the implications of people's convenient accessibility to exotic foods has sparked considerable controversy. In my opinion, despite a few benefits to this trend, it is a negative phenomenon due to the reasons this essay will further elaborate on.
Money and time are the two sides of the same coin called life. Some people desire a life filled with financial freedom even if it means having to spend more time working, whereas others believe in the freedom of time wherein they get by with the essentials but have the luxury to live their life as they wish. I would count myself as belonging to the latter group.
Nowadays, weddings and parenthood are postponed by a lot of individuals until they reach the age of 30. In my view, this should be perceived as a positive trend for two main reasons.
A healthy and educated society is the backbone of any successful society; however, deciding who is to provide this is a sensitive topic. I strongly believe the government should be held responsible for providing these services for two reasons. Firstly, the entire society benefits, and secondly the whole population is currently paying for the services. However, if one prefers extra services they should be prepared to pay for it themselves.
The debate about where to allocate valuable teaching resources probably started with the first educational institutions. In present-day society, the conflict continues and rightly so. In my opinion, converting sports classes to more traditional subjects has two significant advantages. Firstly, it is a more effective use of a student’s time. Secondly, in the future, academic skills will be more useful.
In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the best solution to tackle the increasing traffic congestion and air pollution is a prominent topic. While I acknowledge that higher petrol prices can influence driving habits, I disagree that it is the best solution. There are several other measures that can be more effective in addressing these issues.
In recent times, pet-related injuries and mortalities have sparked heated debates about whether it is healthy for children to be around pets. In this essay, I shall argue that such dangers are overemphasised and that youngsters receive substantive psychological benefits.
In recent decades, many researchers have studied the importance of group-level cognition. Indeed, to my mind, there is now some convincing evidence to suggest that group activities improve the intelligence of individuals. In this essay, I shall examine how research in team games and study groups supports this view.
Experts throughout both the developing and developed world have debated whether the advent of sophisticated modern technology such as mobile phones, laptops and iPads has helped to enhance and improve people's social lives or whether the opposite has become the case.
Many large cities are suffering from overloaded roads and the local government tries to find some solutions. Consequently, terrible situations on the road and traffic jams cause car accidents, air pollution and extra stress for people. I strongly agree that a free constant public transportation system can help with tackling the issue. In my essay, I am going to introduce the ideas to support my point of view.
In this essay, I will discuss arguments from both sides before stating why I strongly advocate that practical subjects are way more beneficial for students than academic subjects. A more nuanced picture is necessary.
It is evident from the research that appreciation will always act as a source of motivation for every human being irrespective of age. Some folks believe that kids should be rewarded for friendly actions so that they can keep following those practices in order to become the best humans.However, others opine that giving punishments can support little ones to not perform any bad acts.This essay will discuss both views in detail
In the contemporary world, the debate over whether to adhere to local customs and behaviours when visiting a new country or to embrace cultural differences as encouraged by the host country is a prominent topic. From my perspective, both of these viewpoints have their merits, and it is important to consider the implications of each.
Nowadays, we live in an era of vast modern devices and inventions growth. Many believe that this improvement is responsible for the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, while others argue that it actually creates a more equal world. In my opinion, advanced technologies can be used to reduce gaps in society.
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