IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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Some people argue that school uniforms should be mandatory for students whereas, others say that it limits their ability to express themselves and restricts their self-confidence. I believe that while uniforms promote a sense of equality and team spirit, it is important to consider aspects like ensuring students have bodily autonomy to flourish in their future endeavours since this may impact their personal and professional development adversely.
The living conditions of people in third-world countries are significantly below conventionally acceptable standards. Some believe that the responsibility falls on the governments of richer nations to assist poorer nations in improving health, education, and trade. I agree with this view because there is a substantial disparity in fiscal capabilities, and such assistance could help reduce migration pressures.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the fact that living in megacities brings negative impacts on citizens’ physical health. I do not regard myself as an advocate of this idea.
Nowadays, in order to remain desirable to companies, individuals must keep their CVs up-to-date by attending training programmes. Some think that this is the responsibility of the individual, whereas others assume it is on the head of the businesses to fund the practice. I believe there is something to be said about both schools of thought and this essay will discuss both viewpoints.
Fashion is another way of expressing oneself. It is creativity and an artistic pursuit. Some people believe that people are spending a lot on fashionable clothes, whereas others do not see this. This essay will discuss both views.
Videogames are enjoyed by an astounding amount of people. The content that is provided in it sometimes can be obscene. Therefore, some gamers tend to follow this bad example. I fully agree that violent images cause crime, and these points will prove why.
Taking a break and going on holiday is necessary for the human experience. Some people enjoy staycations whereas others prefer to fly to a different country. This essay will discuss the many reasons people have to choose either mode of relaxation.
Citizens of many nations are replacing their traditional foods with foreign convenience foods. Certain individuals claim that this situation has disadvantages for households and societies. This essay agrees with this statement because this change can lead to the loss of cultural heritage and increase the level of obesity.
Competitive sports are an enjoyable form of entertainment which can evoke many emotions. Some people believe in the unifying power of sport, whereas others see it as a cause for commotion. I believe there is something to be said about both views, which I will discuss in this essay.
There is a general consensus that health is key to a good life. Therefore, some people believe that the requirement of taking care of oneself should be taught at school whereas others believe the topic is not academic and so not a teaching subject. I believe there is a shared responsibility by various guardians of children to ensure they understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Undoubtedly, with the advent of technology, it become quite easy to manufacture things faster with the help of machines which was not possible a few years back when the furnished goods were produced manually consuming a lot of time. This essay will discuss the buyer's choice among the automatic and hand-created items.
Nowadays, companies hire people who can bring profit to the table. Some people believe this can be achieved by hiring young minds, whereas others believe hiring older individuals holds the key. I believe there are positives to both age groups, thus in this essay, I will discuss the value of both.
It is an undeniable fact that for a business to be successful, the income must be greater than the outgoings. Thus, some people believe in investing in international businesses rather than supporting local ones. This essay will discuss this viewpoint and what can be done to change it.
It is undeniable that communication is an essential part of daily activity, which is further facilitated by technological advancements, including the ability to make phone calls and send text messages. Nowadays, people are more likely to send an SMS than pick up the phone to have a voice call. This essay will discuss both methods of interaction as well as the reasons for which messaging is more popular.
World leaders can be of many different ages. In the past, they were of the older generation as some people believed they held a certain wisdom and gravitas needed to get the job done. Nowadays, there has been a shift in the paradigm, where the leaders have become younger. I believe this is necessary for the future and I will explain my choice in this essay.
In the current times, most citizens are making efforts to curb environmental impact by opting for eco-friendly products. Their focus is to look out for options for a healthier ecosystem for the upcoming generations. The adaptability of such living comes up with a few challenges; however, there are some real-time actions that one can adopt to overcome their impact.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in online shopping as more people opt for the convenience and accessibility offered by digital platforms. This trend has significant implications for both individuals and companies, presenting a range of advantages and disadvantages.
It is argued that government should be responsible for bearing the cost of road development due to a steady increase in vehicle production while others believe it's an individual role to bear the costs. I think the government is responsible for improving road infrastructure totally.
The global presence of various stores and products having familiar features has raised many distinctive ideas in terms of its impacts, whether more benefits or drawbacks. From my perspective, I have an idea that this international development has advantages as **balanced** as disadvantages for both individuals and companies.
With the advancement of technology, scientists and tourists can embark on a journey to remote destinations like the Antarctic. While this progress in travel has provided many opportunities for us, some drawbacks need to be considered. In my opinion, the pros of travelling to isolated environments outweigh the cons.
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