IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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Dangerous or restricted spots can be viewed as an adventure for some people, but nonetheless, the risks that come with venturing to such places can not be ignored. In spite of that, I think that people should be able to choose what they want to do.
Currently, in various nations, consumers can access food products from different countries through supermarkets. This essay will examine both the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and present my perspective..
It is believed by a section of society that the concentration of the academic system should be on imparting pragmatic skills to pupils essential to secure a job. I advocate this method will not only assist students in understanding difficult processes easily but also prepare them to handle real-world pressures at work.
Attitudes towards the school-leaving age vary from region to region. Some governments permit those aged sixteen to stop studying and seek employment instead, whilst others expect adolescents to continue in further or higher education. Which approach is more sensible depends on the nation’s economic requirements and the wishes of the children concerned.
The efforts of governments and big firms to preserve the environment can be more profitable compared to the individuals’ efforts which often have minimal impact. I vehemently espouse this statement because big companies and local authorities have numerous methods with substantial funds to execute initiatives and policies and these can enormously assist to get quick positive outcomes.
In our contemporary era,distance learning has become renowned in society.However,many people,including me opt for and rely on interactive learning by attending lectures in a college because of primary reasons such as motivation to proceed with lessons and having challenges in learning online.
With the rapid advancements of technologies in combination with the depletion of fossil materials on Mother Earth, a lot of scientists and entrepreneurs nowadays are seriously investigating the potential of not only space tourism, but a full-on colonization of different planets in our galaxy. However, some people are very concerned about this outcome and firmly believe that humanity should first exploit all possibilities on our own planet before moving anywhere.
In certain nations, despite a decline in severe crime rates, there is a growing sense of insecurity among the populace. The main reasons behind these are because of cyberbullying and scamming issues that are becoming trends nowadays. The most viable solutions are to not overshare information on social media and report to authorities immediately.
In today’s world, with the rise of cheap and innovative machinery, more and more parents are using smartphones as “digital babysitters.” As a result, some offspring are spending hours every day on their devices, watching YouTube videos or scrolling through social media. From my perspective, this is a two-sided problem, but the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.
In the modern era, supermarkets are replacing small shops or local markets, which seems to be a positive development due to its economic benefits and employment opportunities, I will discuss the benefits with relevant examples in the following paragraphs.
In this epoch of technology , every individual is using a plethora of software to translate text into their own native language in the blink of an eye. However, these applications bolster the population to save time and have things done more precisely sitting in realms of their comfort. However, there are some noticeable impacts that are being posed like threat to the translator jobs and distraction of citizens from learning new languages. This essay will discuss the benefits and limitations in detail.
It is controversial whether spacious public spaces for exercise are needed in all cities and towns. I partially agree with this, for promoting public health regardless of the fact that they cause some environmental damage in the countryside.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the future of technological advancements and their impact on various aspects of life. Some argue that the era of major innovations is far from over, citing reasons such as ongoing research and the rapid pace of development. In this essay, it will be argued that agreeing with this perspective is crucial for optimal societal development.
There is no doubt that people’s health is getting better than ever before. Many agree that old RESIDENTS are a burden for the government, while others believe that there are advantages if society has more older adults. I completely agree WITH THE LATTER FOR SOME REASONS MENTIONED IN THIS ESSAY.
Throughout the past few decades, science and its related aspects have been developing continuously, producing more benefits for the human race than ever before. I strongly agree that the outcome delivered by each research and development project should ultimately serve the people in terms of improving their health and finances.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the effectiveness of advertising and its impact on various aspects of buyer behaviour. Some argue that advertising is extremely successful at convincing us to purchase things, citing reasons such as its compelling approaches and widespread reach, while others assert that advertising has become repetitive and prevalent that it is no longer paid attention to. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between advertising effectiveness and consumer awareness is crucial for optimal marketing and informed purchasing decisions.
Managers have an influential impact on their employees. While some people believe that employees should actively participate in team assessments, others argue that jobseekers should rather compete with each other in the workplace. Nevertheless, I subscribe to the former view; in my perspective, teamwork instils a sense of responsibility, fosters social skills, and promotes interactive learning, which facilitates workers to reap numerous benefits.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the choice between confiding in friends or family and its impact on various aspects of personal well-being. Some argue that sharing problems with friends is more beneficial, citing reasons such as comfort and understanding, while others assert that turning to family is preferable. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between confiding in companions and family is crucial for optimal emotional health.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people discussing the importance of various school disciplines and their impact on different aspects of education. Some argue that History is paramount, citing reasons such as cultural awareness and identity, while others assert that fields like Science and Technology hold greater significance in today's world. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between historical studies and modern areas like scientific inquiry and technological advancement is crucial for optimal societal improvement.
When we enter any store or supermarket to buy something, not only do we usually face the problem of choosing the right commodity based on its configurations, but we also notice that it comes in different colours. So how do we choose the product we need? Do we base our opinion solely on technical criteria, or do we also (whether it is conscious or not) pay attention to the colour of the item?
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