IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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With the rise of nationalism throughout the world, the pros and cons of international interactions have become a hot topic again. In my opinion, various kinds of contact between countries significantly promote the development of technology and, contrary to general preconceptions, intensify the awareness of national identities.
Are stress-busting and economic features inducing people to watch movies in their leisure time? Apparently, watching movies in idle hours is a positive development because it can be considered as an infotainment method and a good day out for individuals. This essay will delve deeper into these points in the upcoming paragraphs.
As some individuals argue that governments must cover all the course fees for university students, I agree with complete funding support for the undergraduates because this will help a lot of households and this will support talented students to contribute to society a lot.
There is an ongoing discussion among employers about whether workers should have fewer working days and longer weekends. I agree with the notion of having longer work-free days in a week. In my opinion, for optimum productivity and a healthy work environment, having time for leisurely activities is essential.
The relevant regulations involving the control of guns still generate severe disputes among the general public. Whilst proponents believe that using guns in the population allows people to defend themselves against any threats, opponents argue that this increases crime and violence in their community. I firmly agree that their drawbacks overshadow their benefits.
It is admitted that all civilizations have regulations to ensure the smooth operation of their societies, so some proponents believe that judicial policies play an indispensable role in modern society. I firmly agree with this statement.
The most essential purpose of science is to lead to the advancement of human lives. I tend to agree with this quote because of the human obstacles and ideology implementation for individuals’ well-being, here are some of my outlines.
At this moment, an increasing sum of folks with diseases are inclined to substitute medicines and therapy instead of going to their regular doctor. I tend to a negative development for this phenomenon because of the safety and the guarantee provided by some alternate aid, here are some of my outlines.
A specific dress code is mostly followed in all academic institutions, particularly till the high school level. Some people argue that this restriction nurtures discipline and equality in students. On the contrary, the other group of people hold the opinion that by doing so, children cannot express their inner feelings, and this act also encourages store keepers to demand an unreasonable price of uniforms from parents. In this essay, I will elaborate on the benefits and drawbacks of having a school uniform.
An increasing number of individuals are relying on private vehicles as their primary mode of transportation. The main problem this causes is the negative impact on the environment, and the most viable solution is improving public transport systems.
Positive and negative feedback has to be implemented in young people in order to show them the importance of having appropriate behaviours and the consequences of having those that are inappropriate. Then, I staunchly believe that children and youngsters should be rewarded and punished according to their performances, respectively. In this essay, I will explain my reasons in detail and how the professors and parents should manage the punishments.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged by some people that purpose of the social media should only be to entertain individuals, while others argue that educational features need to be included. In my opinion, people should implement educational aspects in social publishing platforms, benefiting users from rural areas and far-flung corners of the world.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged by some people that children's spare time activities should be managed by adults, while others argue that they need to have the freedom to choose themselves what to do. In my opinion, giving flexibility to youngsters could be more beneficial in terms of creating a positive atmosphere and enhancing stronger family relationships.
In today’s digital area, technology was made by humans to simplify for humans. Robots and artificial intelligence are being extended to replace humans in companies. There are causes of the issue and I believe that this is a positive development. I will elaborate below.
Some people argue that engineers, doctors, and other occupations should dedicate themselves to the homeland where they have finished their studies, while others think it is important to give every opportunity for everyone to choose wherever they want to work. Personally, both of the statements have their advantages which will be discussed below.
While some people believe that competing helps individuals stay motivated and strive harder, others think that cooperation should be prioritized as it can enhance effectiveness and create a congenial environment for work and study. Personally, since both perspectives have their own advantages and disadvantages, I believe it is optimal to foster both a competitive and cooperative atmosphere.
In recent years, it has become increasingly common for business meetings and training sessions to be conducted online. This shift to virtual platforms offers a range of advantages and disadvantages that merit consideration. Overall, the benefits of online business meetings and training tend to outweigh the disadvantages, especially as technology continues to improve and organizations develop better strategies to mitigate the downsides.
In recent years, with the rise of multiple movie choices, many individuals prefer watching foreign films over locally produced ones. Therefore, the question of whether governments should support domestic film industries has become a matter of considerable discussion. The essay will outline the root causes of this trend and shed light on why governments should support domestic film industries.
In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the animal experimentation has been a prominent topic. It is commonly believed that using animals for experimenting is morally wrong, notwithstanding its crucial role in developing scientific discoveries. From my perspective, while I am in favour of the view that animal testing is not justified, I would have to support it for its contribution to making medical breakthroughs.
The past two decades have witnessed a significant shift in the migration patterns of students from developing nations seeking higher education abroad. This essay will examine the underlying factors driving this transformation through illustrative examples. The pursuit of advanced education in English-speaking countries is motivated by several compelling reasons.
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