IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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It is observed that global prestige is achieved by constructing specific premises to upskill elite athletes in lieu of offering sports facilities for public use in some parts of the world. I believe that this has detrimental impacts on citizens, despite the fact that it can create favourite conditions for athletes to prosper.
The southwest airport was planned to be renovated next year. There are some changes in the airport layout after this construction is finished.
There is considerable debate about whether homeschooling or attending school is the best environment for a child’s development. From my perspective, both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, but I believe that attending an academy is the better choice.
Participation in extracurricular programs, including social clubs and sports, is common among university students. Although these activities offer numerous benefits, they also come with certain drawbacks.
It is considered by certain people that competitions should be promoted as it can be a way to increase children's ability, while there are others who think that it is better to avoid competing but working together. In my opinion, competition and cooperation are just like two sides of a penny which both bring benefits to students.
Crime is considered to be a stigma on the growth and prosperity of every nation and society around the globe. Some folks believe that it is an uphill task to stop illegal activities however, others argue. In my opinion, I advocate that proper measures from the government and efforts from society will drastically ameliorate the situation. This essay will discuss the preventive measures in detail.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged by some people that moral ethics need to be educated by the police, whereas others argue that families should take care of the behavioural education of their children. In my opinion, child development starts at the early stage in families and parents should be responsible for teaching what is good or bad, in addition, educational institutions should collaborate with them during the middle and high school stages.
In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the impacts of media and TV has become a prominent topic. Some people believe that the brutality content shown in the media has a direct influence on the violence occurring in the country. From my perspective, I completely agree with this point of view.
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged by some people that the younger generation does not understand practical work and schools should arrange field works accompanied by academic studies. In my opinion, institutions at any level of student development should implement hands-on activities to adapt them to the future reality, foster their hard and soft skills in harmony, and give them the freedom of choice to start their careers earlier.
These days, it is thought that saving money is a crucial skill for individuals, even for youngsters. Personally, I strongly agree with this opinion since it brings tremendous benefits for people that will be elucidated in this essay.
The travel industry has experienced a major boom over the past 10 years due to globalization and better living standards for people around the world. As a result, the most visited countries take economic advantages and conversely, their tourist attraction negatively impacts the local community and environment. In this essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of international tourism and give my opinion, on why many places positively evolved through the development of tourism.
Nowadays, many countries hold a plethora of activities including games in order to showcase their strength, culture and a lot more to different nations across the globe. Some folks believe that such international sports tournaments are beneficial for the growth and development of the hosting nation. However, others think that organising such activities has proved to be extravagant. This essay will discuss both aspects in detail.
There are many debates about whether using cell phones in public spaces should be banned or not. I firmly agree with this statement.
It is controversial whether the growth of industries leads to the elimination of poverty since it can harm the environment. I partially agree with the former view, for the expanding economic activities promote employment opportunities for the poor regardless of the fact that they pose some dangers to nature with their pollutants.
In the contemporary world, the controversy surrounding the importance of money has been a prominent topic. While some people believe that wealth brings ease and comfort to humankind, others argue that the abundance of money leads to unforeseen difficulties. From my perspective, I contend that the disadvantages are eclipsed by substantial benefits, as money enables individuals to access opportunities, alleviate financial stress, and contribute to society.
From a global perspective, it is surely challenging for any government to assist every individual worldwide directly because of the ever-extending scale of need and limited resources. However, relieving them of all international assistance potentially makes global crises much worse. Thus, I believe striking a balance between domestic priorities and international obligations might come in way more handy.
Each individual has their own set of strengths and weaknesses in studying. Some people prefer to sit in their own homes, enabling them to study at their own pace. Critics against this argue that studying among peers in a classroom has more advantages. I strongly disagree that a classroom setting has more benefits due to its strict pace and rigid schedule.
The debate over the length of employees' working days has sparked considerable controversy. While some advocate for shortening them, I vehemently believe that the current schedule is more conducive to a better performance due to the reasons this essay further elaborates on.
It has been believed that collaborating with others is what makes a company successful. Nonetheless, it is argued that leadership is more appreciated. While both sides will be discussed in the following essay, I strongly believe that collaboration can indeed give more opportunities to lead to success. However, this may not be the only quality to look for in a team, as other skills such as leadership might be equally important to guide the projects.
In today's world, a considerable number of individuals prefer working at home via the Internet. In my opinion, I think this is a positive development, but there are some drawbacks that can be noted.
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