The line graph illustrates the data about US energy (petrol and oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar/wind, and hydropower) consumption from 1980 until its projection in 2030. Overall, the highest consumed energy is pet
The chart illustrate expenses from medium households between 1968 and 2018. Proportion of spending in 1968 in the most of factors are higher than 2018 besides transport and leisure. It exhibits that consumers in 2018 ten
The line graph gives detailed information about the consumption of three different dairy products, namely margarine, low fat & reduced spreads, and butter, over a period from 1981 to 2007. All units are measured in grams
the graphs provied information on movie production between 1996 and 2006, more specifically the first graph demostrate the percentages of movies released divided into different genres ,and the second graph shows the perc
The bar chart given illustrates data about families and their weekly wages and in what various goods and services they choose to spend their money between 1968 and 2018.
The graph illustrates UK's production levels of petroleum, coal and natural gas between 1981 and 2000. Overall, petroleum has the highest production between 1981 and 2000. On the other hand, coal had the lowest productio
The line graph compares the amount of electricity produced in France including thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric and renewable sources over a period of 32 years.
The illustrated data represents the percentages of durables owned in Britain between 1972 and 1983. Overall, the consumer demand for each of the demonstrated devices has steadily increased.
The line chart provides information concerning the proportion of community in different age groups plays video games at least more than 10 hours per week in year 1984 to 2003
The presented line chart compares data about the proportion of people who have 5 various age groups that played video games more than 10 hours per week from 2010 to 2015.
The three separated diagrams portray the difference of developing and industrialised countries' average years of schooling, scientists and technicians per 1000 people and also the participation levels in research and dev