As seen on the chart, between 2002 and 2011, the annual number of rentals tends to decrease while the annual number of sales differs depending on the film’s types. During 2002-2003, there is a significant difference betw
The chart illustrate the annual quantity of rentals and three kinds of sales of films in a store from 2002 to 2011. Overall, while the number of both rentals and VHS sales experienced a decrease, the opposite trend was t
The chart illustrates statistics concerning how many different kinds of movies per year were sold and rented from a specific store over a nine-year period. Overall, while the number of rentals decreased significantly, DV
The bar chart Illustrates four types of rentals and sales’ rates which were rentals, VHS sales, DVD sales and Blu-ray sales from a certain film store annually between 2002 and 2011.
The bar chart below demonstrates the annual number of films per year, to get in four types ( Rentals, VHS sales, DVD sales, and Blu-ray sales) from a particular store from 2002 to 2011.
The chart provide an analysis of annual number of rental and sales of films, among a paticular store in the nine-years period ranging from 2002 to 2011. The study classified subjects into rentals, VHS , DVD, blue ray sa
The bar chart provides information on how many rentals and sales of films per year, divided by four types (Rentals, VHS sales, DVD sales, and Blu-ray sales) of a particular shop during the year 2002 to 2011.
By contrast, the figure for DVD and Blu-ray experienced opposite movements. In 2002, the sales of DVDs was the lowest number with almost 50,000 sales. This figure then experienced a dramatic increase and reached a peak o
The bar graph presents the quantity of rentals and sales in various kind of film annually. Moreover, the chart shows the information cleerly between 2002 and 2011.