IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope you are doing great. I heard the news about your plan, your idea to visit Switzerland is brilliant. I believe six months should be enough to see the most important places.
While some argue that driving your own vehicle is the most efficient way in a city, others believe riding a bicycle is the best option. In my opinion, although a car can be a convenient method, a bicycle will surely be a
I hope you are doing well, I am writing this letter, to thank you for your company during my business trip last week. I believe you enjoy it too.I have to go to New York again, and I would be delighted if you could spend
Some believe that four-wheeled vehicles are the best way to take a trip in a city while others think that a bicycle is better. There are different views on both sides that I will elaborate on below.
Evolving up in the town is best for children's development and helps them have a better life later than living in the countryside. I think the city has a lot of potential. but I do not agree that the city is better for c
In todays' soceities unhealthy routine is being increasingly common problem for people all around the world . Although many think rural lifestyle is a way healthier in comparison with in city, while others are of the o
The climo line graph illustrates the information in city of Kalkota about the secondary sediment and temperature of each month.
The given two maps illustrates how people access to a city hospital throughout 2007 to 2010.
The line graph compares and contrasts information on the questions asked by tourists at the Tourist Information Office in one city over a six-month period, from January to June in the year 2011.
The line chart compares and contrasts information on the amount of one city’s enquiries received by the Tourist Information Office from January to June in 2011.
No one can deny that the city is an important issue. It has both positive and negative aspects. In this essay, I will throw light on the arguments supporting the main views.
Both the city and the countryside have many drawbacks and advantages. Many people believe it is better to live in a city while others think it is better to live in a rural place. In this essay, I will discuss both vision
Nowadays, people tend to move to rural area rather than live in big cities. Due to the urban cities lives is too difficult to residents,However, if government can provide an assistance, the urban live will be better and
The bar graph illustrates the various modes of transportation used for commuting to and from work in a European city in four groups, namely bus, car, bike and foot, in 1960, 1980, and 2000. Units were measured in the for
The two maps illustrate the transformation of Stockford City in 1986 and its present layout.
I beleive planning and orgnize a city can help the citizens to live in a high quality f life, in this essay i will explain how it will improve and help the city dwellers.
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