IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In Recent times, more and more eco-tourism visits the isolated areas and vulnerable habitats that cause rising worries about the influence on local cultures and native groups. This essay will explain various issues rela
It is generally believed that eco-tourism is becoming more and more prominent and this leads to the cause of some effects on natural resources and local residents. This essays will concentrate on finding causes and provi
There are those who argue that eco-tourism relates to travelling remotes, which means the ecosystem, resulting in fragileness. However, some argue that raising awareness about the effect of local culture and the communit
In this present day and age, eco-tourism has surfaced as a subject sparking fervent discussion. There has been a controversial school of thought that local cultures and indigenous communities which are negatively affecte
In recent times, visits to isolated and fragile ecosystems through eco-tourism have witnessed a surge in popularity in many countries. As a result, local communities and habitats are facing a wide range of problems. This
The practice of visiting natural environments can lead to the treespassing of delicate and conservated ecosystems. Which could certainly have consequences on local cultures and indigenous communities, such as irreversabl
Often, eco-tourisms include visiting remote and fragile ecosystems and it is increasing issues on the impact of local cultures and native communities. In this essay, I will explain problems and solutions.
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