IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays many people choose to become vegetarian with the belief that meat is not necessary in a healthy diet. So, does vegetarianism really bring health to humans? In my personal opinion, I do not agree with this diet.
Having a good daily diet with full nutrition is important to people health. However, it is more commonly said that everyone should turn into vegetarian in order to reduce the amount of meat consumed. In my opinion, I dis
Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular amongst many people because of healthy risks and people strongly believe that plant-based foods should be entered people's rations instead of the traces of meat. However, I
With Veganism trend, many people are convincing themselves that plant-based foods can suffice when it comes to daily nutrient needs, so they tend to remove all traces of meat from their diets. However, I have to (politel
Some people have a tendency to become vegetarian as it is better for the human body. Although I agree that a vegetarian diet is healthier, I do not believe that everyone should stop eating meat in order to have good heal
Nowadays, There are a various array of diets which scientists believe that the health depends on them. Some people say that vegetarian should be considered as a main type of the diet to delete fresh from meals to be he
The chart shows the demography of Japan from 1950 to 2015 and their expected population till 2055. The table gives data regarding people aged 65 years and above and their percentage of total of Japanese population.
It never fails to provoke controversy when it comes to the choice of becoming vegetarian or not.While I agree that a vegetarian diet is good for health,I would argue that meat still plays an indispensable role in people'
Many people choose to become vegetarians since a vegetarian diet is believed to be better for the human body. Although I agree that eating only plant foods provides us with a healthier diet, I do not believe that everyon
Many people across the globe believe, a vegetarian diet contains innumerable benefits and everyone starts eating veg dishes. However, I disagree with this statement and believe a meal should be a combination of both veg
Many people across the globe believe, a vegetarian diet contains innumerable benefits and everyone starts eating veg dishes. However, I disagree with this statement and believe a diet should be combination of both veg an
It is often advocated that to have a healthy diet people do not need to eat meat, so that it would be imperative to be vegetarian. This essay strongly disagrees with the given statement and will show why the human being
Some people believe that it is unnecessary to eat meat to stay healthy. I totally agree with the idea of becoming vegetarian.
It is considered by some that everyone should eliminate meat from their diet and take up a vegetarian lifestyle. In my opinion, I completely agree that this is one the most effective ways to ensure people are striving t
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