IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The preference of educating children at home by parents over letting them participating in traditional classroom setting has seen a sharp growth recently. While the statement is valid to some extent, I would contend this
A significant number of individuals presume that the superior strategy for learning is to tutor their offspring, also, they believe that study-at-home alternative approaches are more productive rather than school. Howeve
It is true that at present, more and more families choose to educate their children at home rather than send them to school. Although this can bring about some positive impacts, it can also be detrimental to a certain ex
Recently, the ratio of parents selecting homeschooling instead of sending them to school has significantly increased. The writer believes that this method’s positive sides cannot outweigh the drawbacks and the writer wil
Nowadays, rather than seeking a famous school for their child, various parents prefer to educate their children at their home. While some oppose that self education have various merits, I agree with the idea that drawbac
Nowadays the count of parents interested in home-schooling their wards instead of admitting them to schools has hiked considerably in comparison with earlier decades. In my opinion, this new culture has minimum benefits
Some countries have an increasing number of parents who selecting self-teach their kids at home rather than sending them to school. Although this may make a child has not a real-lifelife friend in short-term life, it all
Nowadays, there is a tendency in different countries to provide the home education instead of the school one for children. While studying at home often leads to better results and low risk of social damage to a kid, poo
Nowadays, home-schooling has become more popular with many children in certain countries. A number of parents choose to self-educate their offspring instead of sending them to school. This essay will discuss both some be
In most countries, parents are considering self-education for their offspring instead of schools. This definitely helps the children to spend more occasions with the family. But unfortunately, the kids studying at home
Recently, many couples choose to teach their children at home in some countries rather than sending them to school as usual. However, in my opinion, some disadvantages outweigh the advantages of this trend.
Recently, in some countries, many couples choose to teach their children at home rather than sending them to school as usual. This trend has pros and cons and will be given in this essay.
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