IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern times, young adults are spending less time with their families and more time with their friends. Why has this change occurred? Do you think parents should force their children to spend more time at home?
İn the modern age, one of the important challenges for society is spending time with families. Significantly, young members of the community have been influenced by social and cultural changes. Particularly, adolescents
In recent years, how youngsters spend their time has changed: more time with their friends and less time with their family. This essay explores the reasons for this phenomenon and gives the opinion about the way of child
Nowadays youngsters give more preference for spending their leisure time outside, rather than with the members of their family. I assume, that the reason for this current trend lies behind the development of high technol
The future is created by the youngs but the management of it has not belonged to them. So, what will be in this case? It has been observed that decision processing can be hard for young adults without their parents' opin
In this advanced era, children spend fewer hours with their family members and more hours with their companions. An underlying reason for this phenomenon is the generation gap between parents and children, as discussed i
Nowadays, adolescent are choosing to spend their time with their peers and friends rather than their own families. This is because they find more entertaining activities and no generational gap between each other, and s
People have different views about whether watching movies on phones or tablets and there is no reason to go to a cinema. While some people believe that to get the full enjoyment, you have to see it in a cinema. In my opi
It is common that adolescents spend more time hanging out with their friends. Some people believe that it is more beneficial to individuals while others advise that parents should have control over their children's and m
Recently, young adults have more tended to spend their time with their friends rather than their families. This is because they have certain age gaps and they should not be stopped by their families because it can develo
The importance and popularity of family time have deteriorated during the stage of life in young adult. Experts throughout developing and developed worlds have debated what are the actual reasons behind this case and whe
Nowadays, young professionals has more time with friends more than their families. This has happened due to age gaps, but this can be resolved by not forcing them to stay at home instead, by allocating a bonding time for
Nowadays, it is noticed that adolescents like to spend a little amount of time with their families,however, they spend more time with friends. This is because the busyness of parents and the attention friends offer. In m
In today's world, youngsters have very less time for their family members, and they spend the majority of time along with their friends. This essay will firstly discuss that the main reason behind this is a hectic schedu
Nowadays, youngsters hang out with their friends rather than devoting time to their families. This change in society has occurred due to the modern trend, where the young generation can live apart from their home, in a m
Nowadays, it is becoming more popular that young people are being more with their friends than their family. This is because of age difference between children and parents as well as working condition and I do not believ
It is commonly observed that these days, adolescents spend most of their time with their close friends, rather than staying at home with their family members. I believe that the primary reason for this trend is the short
It is argued that today’s young generation spend less time with their families and prefer to enjoy with friends. This is because most of the time parents are busy with their work and have no time for the family. I strong
In recent days young people are giving more time and concentration towards friends and few to the parents. This is happening because parents are failing to give much quality time to the teenagers. I think parents should
Spending more time with friends rather than family has become common in young adults nowadays. This essay will explain the reasons, why this has happened, which is mainly working parents and more independence given to ch
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