IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a phrase , which is really important nowadays for people to understand , work is part of life, life is not a part of work. Also, in my point of view, people have to learn how to flex their working hours and live
Nowadays, work-life has been considered a controversial debate in society about whether we need work to live or live to work. I would argue that a comfortable life may happen after a work-life balance. This essay wil
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It is thought by some people that they should work to live while others believe that individuals need to live due to work. In this essay, both viewpoints will be outlined before reaching my opinion.
It is an undeniable fact that human should have to do job for their relevant lifestyles.However,there is a different statement in between work to live or live to work . In this essay, I will discuss both views in the ens
Both the given opinions in the statement have their own purpose and value, whilst some people think that we should devote our lives properly to our work , I believe that we should work in order to fulfil our basic necess
Some individuals often said that we should work to live , while others said we should not live to work, In my opinion , we should work to live life and discover many things . In this essay we will discuss two points
It is argued that people should work to live.It is an necessity to live to earn money by work. Some people have different opinion. for them to live to work is their opinion.This essay will discuss both views and present
It is argued that people should work to live.It is a necessity to live to earn money by work. Some people have different opinions. for them to live to work is their opinion.This essay will discuss both views and present
Some people believe that their primary purpose in life is to work in order to further their careers, while others view work as only a means to afford their living expenses. The following essay will explore both of these
Nowadays, a work-life correlation has been a controversial debate in society about whether we work to live or we live in order to work. However, I would argue that work is a tool we might carry our life without it, but
Most people in the world have to find jobs, some people think that we should work to live but not live to work, this essay will discuss both views and agree this view.
Most people in the word have to find job, some people think we should work to live but not live to work, this essay will discuss both views and agree this view.
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