IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Hope you guys are doing good. I just saw the pictures that was taken by you guys during my stay at your place. Surprisingly, the pictures have come out so well.
I hope this letter finds you in good health and best of spirits. I want to thank you for inviting me to join you during the summer vacation. I really enjoyed our Vancouver trip. I guess it was the best ever voyage that I
I trust this letter finds you well. I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the marvelous photos you sent me from our recent holiday together. It was a lovely surprise to receive them and reminisce about the fanta
My dear friend many thanks for the time that you are spend with me a holiday ,I have got the photos , the photos that you send me is fantastic
Thank you very much first of all for a great vacation and special thanks for photos that we took on holiday . I took them from postage then I remember to write this letter to you and in my opinion I never forget those d
Well actually, I didn't regret choosen travel for my holiday overseas.I had a great time with you guys.I will never forget the times I spent with my friends.These pictures are amazing.
I'm so happy to hear from you again. I missed you so both much and I can't wait to be back! I would like thank you big time and Jake in accomodating me in your cozy apartment and for letting me experience the best activi
Hope you are doing well. It was a great time spending with you for the holiday. I am writing this letter for thanking you, that you have captured those memories into a picture and letting me have an accomodation at your
Hope you are doing great . I am writing this letter to express my thanks and appreciation for the remarkable holiday as well as lovely photos which you sent me yesterday
I hope you are all doing great. First of all, I want to say thank you a lot regarding kindness and hospitality when I was in your house. Your country and nation were really fantastic. Besides, I had reasonable and memora
I hope both of you and your families are in the pink of health. I just received the photograph which were send by you. Moreover, the photos remind me amazing time I had with both of you. Especially Snorkelling in Milton
I am very sorry I haven't written for so long. My work keeps me so busy, that I never have a spare minute. How is everything? I was on the top of the world when I received our holiday photos you've sent. It's a genuine p
I hope you are doing well during all this. time without seeing each other. I just recived the wonderful photos that you sent, I am really feeling feel thankfull for these days which we spent & together. it was an unique
I am glad to hear form you , and I am apologise I have not written ealier due to I was busy with my work to compensate during my absence however I control the situation badly .
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