IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to request you for a special consideration towards enrolling me into the Advanced Computing course that is scheduled for next month at your college.
I am writing this letter to express my interest in the computer course that was published by your college yesterday in the weekly newspaper and it is one of my desired computer course.
I am writing to you with regard to a computer course that was advertised on our college notice board. If allowed, I'd very much like to enrol for it despite not having any computing background.
I am writing in connection with the advertisement placed by your training centre about the computer course starting next month, I have found interest in this subject and would like to enrol for it. However, in the past,
I am writing to you to do a request because I am very keen to learn about the computer and I recently read in the newspaper that your college is organizing a one-year Information technology course.But,it is also writte
My name is Julie and I want to enrol in the Cloud Computing course. I am writing to request you if you can make an exception for me because this course is listed only for the students who have done an elementary course b
I am writing to you to enquire more details about a computer program being offered by your esteemed institution. I am keen to pursue this course when the next batch commences at the end of the month.
I am writing to inquire about your recent advertisement posted by your college about various computer courses offered and preliminary requirements. I am very much interested to enroll for the computer course, since this
I am writing to enquire you about the complete detail information regarding vocational session, which going to be held in March 2020. I have read the advertisement in the newspaper but did not find the fee structure an
My name is Jonathan, a computer course enthusiast. I’m writing this letter to enquire a few things about your upcoming coursework on which I am very much interested. It would be a great opportunity for my career progres
Through this email, I would like to display my interest towards joining the computer course that is being offered by your institution. In today’s fast paced world, people are expected to have knowledge on how to use comp
I am writing to show my interest in one of your computer courses for which advertisement is recently published in the newspaper. I want to join this course as I have a keen interest in the web designing which is the main
This is in reference to your notice published on student notice board on 25th May about the new computer course (intermittent level) that the college is offering. I am in second year of my bachelors in Arts degree course
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