IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary world, metropolises have been becoming extremely modern in every aspect of life and nowadays the young generation, who live in rural areas, more tend to migrate to advanced cities with looking forwar
In recent days,young people migrate from one place to another place for their career growth as well as to enhance their life style.Due to the opportunities found more in cities than non urban area that made people to sta
Nowadays, the trend of pupils and teenage workers in the countryside areas moved their settlement to the urban areas have increased overwhelmingly. In my opinion, there are numerous reasons behind this phenomenon. Howeve
In our modern society, the trend of moving to the cities to search for the employment or education by the younger generation has become a matter of discussion for many. Personally, I believe that the positive aspects of
Nowadays young people are willing to move to cities due to the availability of better job facilities and universities. While some people argue that the disadvantages of this trend surpass the merits. I believe that this
In the present days, we can see that a large influx of young people from rural areas moving to cities because there are some lack of opportunities in the areas. Some employees say that there are more advantages than disa
Nowadays, It is true that young generation tends to choose the big cities to be settled instead of living in their houses. However, there are both Pros and Cons. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons departu
Migrating to other areas is more popular these days. Several adults are coming from remote areas to cities for the purpose of studying and finding jobs. In the subsequent paragraphs the reasons will be mentioned in the a
It becomes a very common trend for young adults to move to urban areas to be admitted to well renowned universities and to look for better working opportunities. This essay will discuss its causes and the benefits and de
People have bigger aspiration, unlike the past, and they are willing to leave their home and move in the cities for the sake of job and study. There are numerous reasons for this trend and each has its own merits and dem
There is an increasing trend of youth moving to metropolises from rural areas for studying and working. While this trend appears reasonable due to benefits like better education and higher salaries, it also presents some
Recently, this has been a crucial aspect to think about. Some people consider it as an advantages prospect while other think it Kate as disadvantages. To get the appropriate knowledge and perfect conclusion let's discuss
It is true that young generation prefers to settle in big cities rather than living in their hometown. There are a variety of reasons to explain this problem, in my opinion, these are outweighed by the drawbacks of this
The Majority of adults are leaving their residence in non-urban areas to educate or task in urban areas. There are many causes for this issue; however, I believe the drawbacks of this advancement surpass the benefits. Bo
A great number of your people, is moving from rural areas to cities, in order to study or work. In my opinion, I think this choice can be extremely beneficial on the long run, despite several drawbacks It can bring.
Migration into cities from the rural areas find employment or good education become more common among youngsters. There are some reasons behind this phenomena and I certainly opposed the idea that advantages are more tha
Nowadays, the majority of youngsters are relocating in cities to study or pursue a lucrative career. While I admit that such trend does have many positives, it does has few negatives as well. Hence, this essay will eluci
Nowadays, the majority of youngsters are relocating in cities to study or pursue a lucrative career. While I admit that such trend does has many positives, it does has few negatives as well. Hence, this essay will elucid
It is true that from the primitive time, people are moving from one place to another for foods, better livings, and this trend is continuing to till date, but, at present day, this tendency has prominent in young people
These days, modern people are keen to emigrate to the industrial cities in order to get a job or study, especially, rural dwellers are willing to move to the Megapolis. The reasons for these movements is varied. While so
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