IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that reading becoming available to everyone online nowadays. The sales of printed newspapers have decreased, as well as they can read free online and so on the future. This essay will discuss why readin
There is no doubt that reading becoming available to everyone online nowadays. The sales of printed newspapers has decreased, as well as they can read free from online. This essay will discuss why reading online is far m
There is no doubt that reading becoming avilable to every one online nowadays. The sales of printed newspaper has decreas, as well as they can read free from online. This essay will discuss why reading online is far more
There is no denying the fact that the newest online method to read news of books replaced people's behaviour rather than the traditional ones. While it is a commonly held belief that the cheapest way to read and the avai
There is opinion , that individuals prefer to read magazine , books and other stuff online instead of buying printed version of books and magazine in the future . In this essay we will examine the reasons of agreement an
This has been a perpetual topic of discussion that in the near future, most of the paper printed material including books, newspapers and research journals will be replaced completely with the resources available on the
People nowadays rely on social media and websites to read information more than ever. Thus, it is argued that printed newspapers and books will vanish in the future because the contents are going to cost freely. In this
In the coming days, dueto advancements in technology, people will read things online without paying a single penny therefore people will not buy printed books or newspapers. I somehow agree with this statement. Howeve
Based on modern revolutions in digital technologies, it is very evident that digital medium adoptions are rapidly increasing over traditional methods. In this essay, I support the view that, even if these digital channe
Some people argue that it will be unnecessary to purchase any printed newspaper or book as the advanced technology will enable people to read whatever they like online free of charge. I partly agree with this view.
It is argued that people will not purchase paper versions of books or newspapers in the future because of the spreading of free and online versions of them. I personally agree with this viewpoint.
With the rapid growth of technology, the world has come a long . Newspapers and media become the main sources of entertainment . We get numerous news across the globe through the newspaper . One of the most conspicuous
People can read whatever they need on the internet free of cost in the coming period, therefore no one will buy printed tabloids or reports. For instance, wealthy and educated citizens prefer reading online books and ne
It is considered that in the coming years, people will only read newspapers or books online because of their affordable price the physical books and newspapers will be left undesired. Although I agree that reading newspa
Many people believe that in the next few years, people will not spend their money just to read offline newspapers or books, at some point they likely read any text or news digitally without a cost. I do agree with that b
Many people believe that online news will replace traditional newspapers and books, and people will no longer have to pay to read anything. I partially agree with this statement, however, many articles are not completely
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