IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, the decision of having children later has become increasingly popular trend. There are several reasons for this phenomenon and I do believe this has some obvious drawbacks for each family and our communi
In my opinion, the given statement stands partially true. Many of the married members of any family, prefer to have children at their early ages. Over the period, the decisions are changed. There could be many reasons fo
The diagram shows the design for a wind turbine and its location. It is observing that machine consists of four parts, which are connected between them. Altogether, have main role of energy producing, by following all pr
It is observed that there is an increase in the number of people delaying parenthood. This essay will explain some main reasons for the situation before reaching a conclusion whether its merits outweigh the drawbacks.
These days, there has been an increase in the number of people delaying their parenthood. Although this trend has a number of benefits, I believe that the drawbacks will be far more significant.
Children are the lifeline of their parents. In this modernized and westernized world, people like to marry in the thirties and give themselves some time to have children later in their life. In my perspective, It
Opinions differ when it comes to whether or not parents should have babies late in their life. While this has several benefits, I believe that overall the drawbacks are greater.
It is true that people tend to delay pregnancy these days. While there are various reasons for this, I believe that overall the drawback are more significant than the benefits.
It is true that delaying childbirth has become an increasingly popular trend among many spouses. This problem happens due to some reasons, and it can have a serious negative impact on not only family but also the communi
The contemporary generation reckons the idea of having offsprings at a later age in life. However, the advantage of getting more time for career progression clearly outweighs the disadvantage of pregnancy complications a
It is true that the family patterns and roles of each family member have significantly changed over the last decades in many parts of the world. In this essay, I would like to discuss several possible changes and I belie
In recent years, the decision of having children later has become increasingly popular trend. There are several reasons for this phenomenon and I do believe this has some obvious drawbacks for each family and our communi
In contemporary society, adults are inclined to delay having children until they reach their middle age. In this essay, I would like to demonstrate several reasons for this tendency and discuss that its drawbacks outweig
In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed parenthood. In my opinion, I consider that parent’s decision to give birth in the later stage of life can bring about more advantages for t
In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed parenthood. In my opinion, I consider that parents decision to give birth in later stage of life can bring about more advantages for family
In the past, big families were more common than now, if one considers just Europe. Indeed, there were more than three children in each family. Instead, nowadays it’s rare to see big families, because couples decide to ha
These days a large number of couples decide to have babies after spending at least few years since their marriage. According to some experts, there are various reasons which urge parents to have children later in their l
There days a lot of adults make dicision to become parents later. In my opinion there are several reasons for this and only one to do it early.
In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed parenthood. Some explanations for this social trend will be put forward, before an analysis of its impacts on society and family life is gi
In recent years, the decision of parents to start a family later in life has become an increasingly popular trend. There are a number of reasons for this trend, which is having a significant impact on both family life an
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