IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed that children can learn productively by watching television and they be stimulated to watch tv at home and school. In my opinion, watching TV can benefit the learning process, however, I disagree that ch
It is irrefutable that TV is a very efficient teacher. However, I disagree that children should be motivated to watch TV both at home and at school. I shall put forth my arguments to support my views in the following p
It is believed that watching TV is a better method for children to gain knowledge effectively, and hence, some people contend that children should be allowed to watch TV both at home and school. Personally, I do not agre
It is often argued that the TV programs could help children learning process much faster, so parents and teachers should motivate and let their children to watch TV in either school or home. In my opinion, I completely d
Watching television (especially informative television) is regarded as an effective method of learning, because audio-visual information can attract students’ attention and engage their interest. Although many TV program
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