Few individuals think that keeping animals in a zoo is wrong, while others believe that is imperative for education and conservation. This essay intends to discuss both the perspectives. However, I side with the latter s
There are different views about keeping animal species in zoos. While there are many reasons that are beneficial to these creatures, I believe that they have the right to be free in their natural habitats.
In recent years, many activists believe that keeping animals captive in cages is cruel, on the contrary, there is the argument that animals in zoos are for teaching and preservation purposes. From my perspective, I am
Few audiences argue that it is not the right thing to place the beats in zoos. However, another crowd has an opinion that it is very much essential to have zoos because it will be essential for small children to learn ab
These days, the moral conversation about whether is more beneficial to keep animals in artificial environments or release them into the wilderness is becoming a heated one. In my opinion, all living creatures are entitle
Our Ecosystem consists of numerous components. Apparently, animals are considered to represent a substantial percentage of the environment. Some people claim that it is healthier for animals to remain in the jungle. Whil
Animal keeping is always a debatable topic .Several individuals are at the notion that protecting wildlife inside a zoo is an erroneous way whereas another group of people acclaimed that zoos and national parks are cruci
As far as I remember, the zoo is the most enjoyful place to go while I was a kid. Many arguments arise regarding the functions of a zoo. Let us discuss.
Traditionally places of entertainment, zoos have changed considerably, and mostly for the better. While some feel that they have a crucial role to play both in education and in conservation more broadly, others argue tha
Traditionally places of entertainment, zoos have changed considerably, and mostly for the better. While some feel that they have a crucialrole to play both in education and in conservation more broadly, others argue that
Every species have a rights to live to freedom on the earth. No one against this statement. However, a fair amount of people think that it is bad to hold on to brutal in wild park. Nevertheless, others think that zoolog
In recent times, animals have been confined to an enormous extent for varied reasons. Although it is stated zoos are necessary for education and conservation of animals, it is argued by others that it is inhumane to keep
In the recent years, zoos has become and increasing popular tourist attractions in many major cities such as London and Paris. There are several people who think that it is pointless to close these animals in zoos howeve