IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern society, money has never been insignificant among individuals. While some people argue that high wages are strongly linked with living a successful life, others maintain that there are other essential sectors t
In modern society, money has never been insignificant among individuals. While some people argue that high wages are strongly linked with living in a successful life, others maintain that there are other essential sector
Some people believe that personal happiness and financial success are closely tied because wealth provides convenience, while others believe that happiness relies on other things such as social relationships. I personall
In Life, no matter what profession is chosen or what kind of activities we involve in, ultimately we expect Happy living. There are arguments that the amount of happiness is directly proportional to financial status on
Happiness roots have always been elusive to mankind, It is often argued that many believe that bliss and financial achievements could correlate. However, Many individuals hold the opinion that euphoria is highly likely r
Several people believe that being a happy person in society is directly depends on their successes in different fields of work or education. In contrast, others consider various factors such as hanging out with their fam
To feel the happiness of the heart is not an easy task in the present time. ,However some populations believe that if they are financially strong there is no barrier to their happy soul but some think that cash can not b
Some people think Rich people are happier than poor people just because they have more money, while others believe that happiness is not only money but also rely on other factors. I mostly agree with the fact that happin
People hold conflicting views about whether the happiness of each person is based on various elements. While some believe that peace of mind is connected with economic prosperity, I would argue that well-being come from
Some people think that people who have much money feel happy while other people believe that there are many other elements which affect personal happiness. In my opinion I agree with the second statement
People have different views about happiness, many people believe that personal happiness is the outcome of having lots of money, while other people think that delight of people relies on other causes. This essay will con
People have different views about happiness, many people believe that personal happiness is outcome of having lots of money, while other people think that delight of people relies on other causes. This essay will conside
While some espouse that being thriving is the most crucial part to possess a joyful life, others are inclined to believe that many different components are required to live happily. This essay will make clear comparisons
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