It is commonly stated that the money spent on the arts by the government could be better spent on other important things .I agree with the given statement and will explain the reason why in this essay .
The issue of whether the artwork has contributed to the economy has become a controversy in contemporary society. Despite the government have allotted funds on crafts, individuals are ought to allocate the budget to more
Arts is part of the cultural Heritage and development of society. No one can say that there is too much money being spent on it. Eventhough art was part of the daily life of the bourgeois it should be at the reach of eve
In modern society, there have been a lot of controversies regarding money investment by the government, especially on the arts. Some public believe that spending money in developing craft is wasting fund, which is invest
To some people,it is obvious that the government is not spending the money in a wise way,while to the rest,it is not the case.Whether the expenditures could be planned in a more equitable way or not is questionable to ma
Government has used some of its money on art. That might be the reason why some people think that the authority should spend the money on something important. In my view, I agree with that statement. Therefore, in this e
It is thought by some individuals that money is wasted by government on arts and it should be better utilized somewhere else. I totally agree with the aforementioned as there are many critical issues that are required to
It is believed by some people that financing the arts is frittering away the money and it would be better if the government spent this amount somewhere else. I completely disagree with this statement because art provides
As an opinion of some people the government is using the money on necessary items on craft products. Firstly, I agree to it on a some extent, however the olden profession represents the history of our nation.
As an opinion of some people the government is using the money on necessary items on craft products. Firstly i agree to it on a some extent, however the olden craft represents the history of our nation.
As an opinion of some people the government is using the money on necessary items on art products. Firstly i agree to it on a some extent, however the olden art represents the history of our nation.
As an opinion of some people the government is using the money on necessary items on art products. Firstly i agree to it on a some extent, howeverhowever the olden art represents the history of our nation.
As a opinion of some people the government is using the money of neccessary items on art products. Firstly i agree to it on a some extent however the olden art represents the history of our nation.
A portion of the society assume that the funds used for arts by the government is futile and this could be used for a better purpose. Based on these points we shall discuss in the essay the different opinions expressed b
It is thought by some individuals that the investments of many governments in the arts are pointless and should be reallocated to other beneficial sectors. I completely disagree with this point of view.
Artistic creations are important aspects in making a place visually appealing to tourists and native residents. However, I believe that the Government is spending more than what is required in building statues and decora
It is commonly believed by some that the government should not waste resources on arts and culture. They argue that these valuable finances should rather be utilized somewhere else, worthwhile. I disagree with this state
There is no shadow of doubt that spending money on the arts has aroused many debates and discussions around it. Some people opine that instead of spending money on the arts, ministry should allocate its funds for the bet
Art is in our surroundings. Art also have a part of type and most of them could be beneficial for the country development. There are 2 viewpoint in the society, most of them argue that the goverment is wasting too much m
Art is the externalization of the individual skills and reflects the culture of country. At present, an art as becoming infamous and underrated by not taking seriously from the government. However, I highly agree with an