IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The graph compares the major sectors in export of Southland from 2000 to 2024, and predicts possible outcomes for 2025. Overall, international tourism is by far the most profitable area, which is expected to see a rise i
Southlands major freights in the past, which were the 2000's, in the present, which is 2024, and in the future, which will be 2035.
Southlands main exports in the past, which were the 2000s, are in the present, which is 2024, and in the future, which will be 2035.
The bar chart provides details on the Southland's exportation of main products in the years 2000 and 2020, with predictions for 2025. The main goods include tourism, dairy and meat.
The bar chart illustrates the information of the main exports in Southland in 2000 and 20.. with prediction through 2025. The exports are categorized in three different types, International tourism, Dairy products, and M
The bar chart illustrates the main exports from Southland starting from the year 2000, to 2023, and the future projections for 2025. The exports are categorized into three, including international tourism, dairy products
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of exports in different sectors of Southland in 2000, present year and the prediction for 2025.
Southland's main exports in 2000, 20..., and the future projections for 2025 are demonstrated by the bar chart below.
the bar chart depicts the data of southland's export projects in three different periods started in 2000 to 2023 and a prediction in 2025. this information has been calibrated in billions. overall, it is clearly seen tha
The graph indicates data related to major sections of Southland’s export in 2000 and 2023, and forecast its future state in 2025.
The following chart delineates the statistics about export trends of 3 products in Southland in 2000, 2023 and future estimations for the year of 2025. The units are measured in billion pounds.
The chart delineates the export trends of various products from Southland for the years 2000 and 2023, along with projections for 2025.
The graph shows Southland's income in billion pounds for international tourism, dairy products and meat stocks exported during 2000 and 2022, and indicates the future earnings in 2025.
The chart illustrates the data about international tourism, daily product and meat product that is exported to different countries over the 25 years. The amount of money is counted by billions.
depict information about Southland's main exports in year 2000, and on other hand t provides future projections for 2005. Overall, there of there Slightly which own According to most high sales & where was the Sales in t
Nowadays, every city is obliged to sell some items or services. Export is an important part in economics of a country or a city. Now, I want to compare some export projects in Southland.
The chart depicts the exports by Southland in international tourism, dairy products and meat products in two years (2000 and 2023) with projections for 2025. The units are measured in billion pounds.
The chart depicts the export of the Southland on international tourism,dairy products and meat products in 2000,2023 and future projection for 2025. The units are measured in pounds(each box 1 billion).
The given illustration gives data on the number of Southland's main exports, namely international tourism, meat and dairy products, in 2000, and 2023 and it is included the future forecast for 2025.
The bar graph illustrates the value of the southland's main exports in the area of international tourism, Dairy product and meat product in 2000, 2023 and future predictions for The year 2025.
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